Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Looking For a Solution to Dog Barking? Dogs Bark Naturally So What Can You Do

If you want just one solution to dog barking, there isn't one, there are many. Many different solutions to this most common dog behavior problem. The bottom line is that you must communicate to your dog that you are in charge, not them and that barking is not allowed.

There are many ways to get your dog to stop barking, citronella collars, shock collars, ultrasonic devices, and training. Of all these solutions, citronella collars and re-training are the most humane.

Citronella collars can be bought anywhere. It is basically a collar your dog wears around its neck and it shoots out a burst of citronella whenever your dog barks. Dogs don't like this smell so they stop barking. The problem here is you have to constantly refill the citronella reservoir, so it does not always work. Also, using this method, the dog learns much slower than doing retraining.

The best solution to a barking dog is retraining your dog. It is natural for your dog to bark when people enter his territory or when he views someone as a threat to the family. Many dogs even bark just to get attention.

The problem is that they live in our houses and they are not allowed to bark. You have to clearly communicate to your dog that barking is not permitted in the house. If know that your dog barks during certain situations, like someone coming to the door, make sure you have a leash on your dog or are at least close to him, so you can instantly correct his behavior.

If you are having problems getting this dog behavior problem under control, there are lots of resources out there to help you. Click here for one of the best resources for Stopping Dog Behavior Problems


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