Sunday, July 06, 2008

Parvo Disease Details Revealed Here...

Dexter is a cute little 12 week old Lab who has contracted a SERIOUS ILLNESS..Parvovirus.

He has vomited for 2 days straight, he now has EXTENSIVE bloody diarrhea, and he is EXTEMELY dehydrated.

He is one who NEEDS INTENSIVE treatment in the Hospital to even survive.

He is on IV Fluids, with IV antibiotics, and he will need additional treatment based on blood tests. If his protein level is TOO low, then he may need plasma.

Parvoviral Enteritis is A VERY serious disease,and in spite of AGGRESSIVE VETERINARY CARE,
20% of the Puppies Die.


In spite of the RISKS of VACCINES I DO advise that your puppy gets 2 boosters for Parvovirus at 8 and 12 weeks.

OVER 90% of Parvo cases occur in dogs less than 1 year of age- so the RISK is HIGH as a puppy. After that the RISK is pretty minimal.

MEANING that you DON'T need YEARLY BOOSTERS for Parvo, as MANY Veterinarians are STILL doing.

The MORAL of my story is that you have to balance the PROS and CONS of Conventional Veterinary Medicine in Preventing and Treating Disease.


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