Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dogs and Toxins

Apart from other dogs, what is the one thing that all dogs love virtually all the time? You guessed it: food! Dogs are very much like people in that they eat out of necessity, boredom, interest, nutritional compulsions, and sometimes; by mistake. Even the most well-trained dog could be subject to accidental poisoning. Many poisons also taste fantastic, and are easily accessible around your home. The question is, are you prepared to assist your dog, should this ever occur? The following are some common sources of potentially fatal poisonings, including symptoms, and treatments.


Antifreeze is deadly to dogs, even in small amounts. Antifreeze contains compounds that destroy the liver and red blood cells once ingested. It is, in fact, a rather frequent killer of pets. The reason for this is that antifreeze tastes sweet; like a syrupy candy. Antifreeze must be wiped up immediately following a spill, and at all times it should be isolated from dogs, other pets, and children. If your dog does ingest antifreeze, you should look for the following signs:

  • Ataxia: unable to walk, stumbling, falling down
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive water consumption
  • Excessive urination


Induce vomiting. Seek immediate emergency veterinary care.


If consumed, these products will impact your dog's cardiovascular system. Chocolate and caffeine increase the heart rate in dogs, leading to heart problems, and breathing difficulties. If your dog ingests large amounts of caffeine, it can prove fatal. Here's what to watch for:

  • Excessive panting
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors/Seizures
  • Hyperactivity


Induce vomiting. Seek immediate veterinary care, to include gastric lavage, and activated charcoal treatments.

Raw Salmon:

Any raw meat, but particularly salmon, can contain a fluke-like parasite that is highly specialized. Once ingested, the fluke spawns and lives in the intestines, where it produces very toxic substances that infect the entire body, causing the dog to become very ill rather quickly. Symptoms are typically as follows:

  • Lethargy
  • Severe weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Bloody or discolored diarrhea

Antibiotics are the only way to prevent your dog's death. Dogs that survive this type of infection will then be immune to recurrences.

Raisins & Grapes:

Dogs who ingest large amounts of raisins or grapes may place their life in severe danger. Both of these foods contain toxins that attack the liver. Survival rates of this type of poisoning is only 50%, so it is vital to get your dog immediate attention should you suspect it has eaten large quantities of grapes or raisins. Symptoms will include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive water consumption
  • Excessive urination
  • Kidney failure


Induce vomiting. Stomach lavage. Activated charcoal. Intravenous fluid therapy


Mushrooms can be deadly to dogs. In America, there are numerous types that will cause a very quick, painful death. For this reason, it is imperative to watch your dog closely outside, especially in the fall and other moist times of year where mushrooms are prolific. There are many different types of deadly mushrooms that attack different parts of the body, so the symptoms will vary greatly. You can expect the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Collapse/Unconsciousness
  • Hallucinations
  • Irregular behavior
  • Coma


Induce vomiting immediately. Activated charcoal. Treatment for liver disease.

Lead Poisoning:

Lead poisoning is much more prevalent in dogs than many would think. Dogs who ingest paint chips or painted wood, fishing sinkers, weights, or any other material containing lead are in grave danger. If you recognize the following symptoms, your dog need emergency veterinary treatment:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive urination
  • Decreased appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blindness
  • Tremors
  • Erratic behavior
  • Seizures


Blood testing. Extensive intravenous therapy.

Insecticides & Pesticides:

While there are simply too many of these to make an exhaustive list, insecticides and pesticides can prove fatal to your dog within minutes of ingestion. For this reason, it is absolutely imperative that you store and use these items where your dog will not be exposed to them. If for some reason your dog ingests or inhales any type of the mentioned items, you should seek immediate veterinary care. Symptoms will vary greatly according to the type of item ingested:

  • Excessive salivation
  • Vomiting/ with or without blood
  • Diarrhea/ with or without blood
  • Confusion
  • Ataxia
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness


Varies widely according to what was ingested. Contact a poison control center and seek immediate veterinary assistance.


A dog can sustain a venomous snake bite much more easily than a human. Dogs have very tough skin, and venom does not affect them as significantly as it does one of us. However, a snakebite can be fatal. If you observe an actual bite occur, or suspect that your dog has been bitten, first ensure that the snake (or other venomous creature is no longer in the area.) Remove your dog to a safe location and attempt to keep them still. You might notice the following symptoms:

  • Puncture wounds
  • Severe Pain/Swelling
  • Necrosis of tissue at bite site
  • Labored breathing


Antibiotics sometimes help. Benadryl may be recommended by your vet if you are in the field. Anti-Venom. Do not suction wound site. Do not use tourniquets or make incisions at the bite site.

Your natural responsibility to your dog should mitigate most of these types of poisonings. However, we all know that dogs are indiscriminate eaters, and that they sometimes eat and expose themselves to toxic or even deadly items. Be observant, and be prepared, and you will greatly reduce the chance that your dog will become a casualty of toxins. For more information, and to report a suspected poisoning, contact the APCC at: 888-426-4435.

Geoffrey A. English is the Founder of, the internet's premiere online magazine dedicated to hunting dogs. Their site has a wide variety of dog supplies such as Dog Training Collars, SportDOG, and Dogtra products.

Chocolate Pitbulls

Does it seem like there are more brands and breeds of pitbulls that you can coherently wrap your mind around when trying to decide on a dog? Is there a specific reason you are looking for a chocolate pitbulls and what have you heard that was so intriguing that you just have to find where you can adopt some chocolate pitbulls? If you stumbled across here because you are confused, well that is great because there are so many names for the same thing and sometimes it seems as though they were only created to cause confusion while creating a mass ‘demand’ for this new named creature.

What are Chocolate Pitbulls?

Chocolate pitbulls is simply the name of the dog designated by it’s colors and it is brown, a deep chocolate color and that is the only difference between that and other kinds of dogs. If it is a dark brown pitbull that you are looking for, any one of the chocolate pitbulls will work just fine.

This color of dog will rear itself in many different breeds of pitbulls such as the Alligator and Lion Head pitbulls and it only confirms that the coloring constitutes that of chocolate pitbulls. There are literally a thousand breeds and ‘strains’ of the breed and in each of those sub categories you will find the label chocolate in many of them. Again, it is used to predominantly describe the color of the dog and the coat of the dog.

Chocolate Pitbulls Vs. Pitbulls

Obviously there is no versus when speaking of other breeds and the chocolate pitbulls for the reasons mentioned above so if you are seeking for that beautiful dark brown pitbull for you, look no further than any breed at all and in the coloring they will label the dogs as ‘chocolate pitbulls’ and you can be confident in knowing that you are getting the same quality, breed or whatever you are seeking for in that infamous chocolate flavoring.

Now when you get one of the sought after chocolate pitbulls, remember to always be a responsible pet owner when searching for your perfect pet and treat it with kindness and respect! Pitbulls are getting such a terrible wrap for being horrible, mean, untamable beasts and they are not. Man is the beast much before the dog is and most often, those pitbulls that are attacked are treated cruelly and inhumanely and this causes many unwanted traits within the dog.

If you want to learn more about pitbull fighting please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with pitbulls

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