Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Solutions for Serious Dog Urine Problems

Dogs are such lovable creatures. They can be such a happy companion. They can also be of big help in many ways. They are pets that have so much to offer. No wonder many families have dogs as house members.

Yet, all these good things and more do have a downside. It is not all about the rewards of having a dog. There are also obligations and tasks that have to be done in a dog-care experience. One of these crucial obstacles is dealing with the dog urine.

Dog urine is a serious problem for dog owners.

Helpful Tips in Dealing with Dog Urine

1. Train the dog as early as possible.

Dogs that are kept outdoors will not be much of a problem inside the household. However, it is also crucial that the dog is trained to go only on a specific spot. This is to avoid making the whole garden or yard a restroom to your dog.

Find a spot where people do not often go. This way the odor will be concentrated and will not spread to the rest of the yard. It is not fun to have an afternoon of barbecue with the smell of the urine taking over.

For dogs that are kept indoors, especially the toy dogs, it is best to provide a litter box for them to use. Some owners who maintain the dog indoors still choose to let them go out when they need to soil or urinate. Both of these options will take some serious dog training. Anyhow, any effort will be worth it once the pet learns how to behave properly.

2. Most dogs are also dependent on routines, especially the newly-trained ones. It is best to keep watch of the behavior of the dog when big changes happen in the household, like when repairs are done or someone moves in.

3. Doggy diapers are also available in the market. However, the ones available are good only for male dogs.

4. Always use an odor remover or cleaner to the places where the dog urinated or soiled. This is to avoid it from being marked as its territory. The dog will not help but return to the same spot if there will be any odor left.

5. There are household items that can be used to remove the odor like using vinegar and water. This is being resourceful. However, to get the best solutions in the urine odor problem, purchase odor removing products from the market. Surely there is one available in the nearest grocery or pet shop. The internet community is also a good source to shop for some quality products.

Compared to the water and vinegar, these products could leave a fresh scent for your household.

6. There are also instances when the dog keeps urinating indoors despite training. This could be due to some spots where the dog urine had left some residue. These spots may however be beyond your capabilities to identify on your own.

There are cleanup kits especially made for dog urine. They often come in packages that are able to clean the coverage of a big room. This is a good solution for serious dog urine problems.

Tackling the serious problem of dog urine is really stressful. However, there are options to handle the situation. Know the options available. Make the experience of owning a dog a wonderful one.

Michael Louis is a dog lover with a passion for knowledge who enjoys sharing his dog cleaning care secrets. Now that you know how to remove that bad odor, learn the secrets to house training your dog and stop this from happening again at

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Is Your Dog Behaving Badly?

There is nothing worse as a dog owner then a dog who continually behaves badly. From barking all day and night, chewing up everything in sight, to biting nothing can strain the owner/dog relationship more than bad behavior. If this is your dog then some form a obedience or behavior training is in order. It will more then pay for itself when you consider the cost of the damage he may have done in the past and the future.

Probably one of the most annoying dog behaviors is continuous barking. The thing to remember is yelling at your dog is not the answer to barking problems. Many dogs will just bark louder because they think you are having a shouting match. The first thing you need to do is figure out why he is barking. Is something scaring him or is there someone or another dog prowling around your yard?

A dog barking because of these types of things isn't necessarily a problem if he doesn't bark very often. It's when it becomes constant and for no reason that some sort of intervention is needed. Dog behavior training can help with this type of situation. There are a variety of products on the market that are designed specifically to help control dogs who bark to much. There are specialized collars that are triggered when a dog starts barking and either emits a small electric shock or sprays citronella around the dogs face and muzzle. The citronella collars are harmless and work amazingly well if you like the smell.

The most serious behavior problem for any dog is biting. Most communities have enacted new laws that deal with biting dogs much more aggressively. In some cases any dog that bites will be euthanized after the first offense, even if the bite was accidental. This is why teaching your dog not to bite is so important because most dogs use their mouth and teeth even when playing.

If you start stressing the importance of not biting when your dog is still a puppy you will nip any future biting problems in the bud. When puppies play they will use their mouth to nip and gnaw on whatever they are playing with, including peoples hands. This is the time to teach them that they are not to behave in this fashion and biting and chewing on your body parts is not allowed, no matter how cute or fun it may be.

One of the best ways to change the behavior of a misbehaving dog is going to a dog obedience class. This can be especially helpful to the first time dog owner who may be at a loss as to how to fix a behavior problem. Every dog is going to have certain behavioral issue, that's just the nature of being a dog. That doesn't mean whatever your dog is doing can't be fixed either. Someone somewhere has dealt with the same issues and found a way to resolve them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dog Vomiting? Help Your Dog Now

In most cases you should not be too concerned about your dog vomiting. If you know that the dog got into something or you changed its diet, you can probably wait 24 hours to see if the vomiting clears up, but only if your dog does not appear lethargic.

You must withhold food for 24 hours and then gradually start a bland diet. If at any time the dog becomes worse please see your veterinarian.

If your dog has been vomiting continually for more than 1 hour or if he has been vomiting on and off for 24 hours, it is severe and you should bring him in to see the doctor.

Vomiting can have lots of causes. Sometimes the cause can be straightforward. An easy indication maybe what was the pet’s last meal.

Sometimes the consistency of the vomit may indicate what’s wrong.

• Undigested poisoning 2. Anxiety, 3.simply overeating

• Strong odor-intestinal obstruction.

If no vomiting occurs in 24 hours, then you can try and give some ice cubes followed by water. If no vomiting occurs, then give a small amount of a bland diet. If the dog continues to vomit, call your veterinarian.

What to do for dog vomiting

1. withholding food for 24 hours.

2. Feed a bland diet, consisting of 2/3 rice, sweet potato or oatmeal and 1/3 of the meal should be well cooked non-fatty meats like chicken.

3. Feed only 1/2 of the normal amount of food at a time. Or you can feed several small meals until the vomiting has subsided.

Find out what additional steps you can take to help your sick dog at

You can submit a question to the veterinarian by clicking here

Chris Suckow, DVM, currently lives and works in Los Angeles.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dog Seat Belt Harness - Do Not Risk Your Life, Life Of Your Passengers Or Your Dog

Should your dog wear a Dog Seat Belt Harness in the car? Undoubtedly YES. Your dog deserves the same protection as you and your family members. In an accident, a dog can be thrown with hundreds or even thousands of pounds of force into other passengers of the car, easily causing life threatening injuries. Do not risk your life, life of your passengers or your dog! You will be concentrated on driving and your dog will enjoy the ride in safety and security. Using a dog seat belt harness will make traveling with your dog a pleasure for you as well as for your doggie.

Why should your dog wear a Dog Seat Belt Harness in the car?

1. You can better concentrate on driving

With the Dog Seat Belt Harness, your pet will no longer be able to roam around your vehicle. Your pet is confined to one area in the car and therefore can not be a distraction by leaping about the car at will - front seat to back, from window to window. Your dog can cause an accident by jumping in the driver's lap, distracting the driver, or blocking the driver's vision. Small dogs can also get under the pedals.

2. Protect your dog from injury in an accident

Being confined, your dog is not able to become a projectile due to a sudden stop or a sudden swerve to avoid hazard or accident.

3. Help rescue workers by keeping a dog restrained.

A dog that has been in an accident can be in shock, confused, and injured. The dog could attack rescue personnel who are trying to help you.

The benefits of Dog Seat Belt Harness gives you peace of mind, knowing you provided protection, the same that's provided for you. If you're worried about the cost of quality dog seat belt harness...well, $60-$70 dollars is NOTHING compared to the $650 in vet bills, not to mention the pain of seeing your best friend suffer because of your mistake.

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Karel Micek - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, March 10, 2008

Irritable Bowel Syndrome In Dogs

Dog's illnesses and conditions seem to come up over and over again in dog forums and generally pop up all over the internet on a regular basis, and irritable bowel syndrome has to be one of the most common conditions there is.

Most dogs in their lifetime will get this, and it is the most common cause for diarrhea and vomiting. Some dogs are more prone to it than others and the effects it has on one dog to the next can be brought on by many different things, and way too many to list in this article so we will cover just the basics of it and the most common causes.

The symptoms of this illness can be many things but usually involves very runny feces with an almost jelly like texture with possible blood and they may strain to pass the feces. This is all not ass bad as it seems and in most cases is nothing to worry about at all.

A common cause is your dog not being able to cope with a new type of food or diet causing inflammation of the stomach which results in the body trying to get rid of this offending substance through uncontrollable diarrhea or the dog making them selves vomiting to rid of the irritation.

The cure for this is to starve your dog for a small amount of time until enough feces has passed and the dogs system can begin to retrieve the nutrients once more and then the diet should be started again by slowly introducing them from bland food to the normal diet again.

Of course there are many other reasons for vomiting and diarrhea and if you suspect it is more serious than first thought then you should contact a vet straight away for guidance. But with many vomiting and diarrhea conditions the dog's body will need to be flushed out through starvation in order to become normal and well again.

For more information on Dog Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Dog Health take a look at this Dog Training website.

Improve rankings and trade links with by emailing us at our contact page.

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

How To Avoid The Most Common Mistakes In Raising Dogs

Dogs do not come with an instruction manual around their necks. Dogs need time, patience, and understanding. Therefore new owners need information to train, and help cope with the difficulties of the newest member of the family.
Common mistakes in raising dogs:
1. Not enrolling with the dog in "obedience school".
In any good school you can expect your dog to learn basic commands and proper behavior. "Heel!", "Sit!", "Stay", and "Come!" are all examples of these commands. The dog will learn how to associate with other animals and people. Don't make the mistake of sending your dog to obedience school alone. If you do, you will have a dog more obedient to the teacher, instead of you.
2. Self-training using improper techniques.
Physical punishment and yelling are not good methods of training. The best methods are stimulation and reward for good behavior. This way the dog will be motivated to carry out commands because it knows it will receive attention and maybe a yummy treat. For this to work, it is important to be patient and consistent.
3. Not researching breed characteristics.
When choosing a dog, do not judge by appearance alone. Take some time to do research on several breeds, to find one that will make a good match for you and your family. If you have a small apartment, for example, a large dog may be a poor choice.
4. Leaving your dog alone in your yard.
Dogs are social animals and naturally live in packs. Spend plenty of time with your dog outside. Play together, make your yard a fun place, not a doggie prison! If your dog is not active enough, is bored, gains weight, gets sick, gets into all kinds of mischief, barks too much, or bites: It is your job to understand why it is happening and make it better.
5. Not giving the a dog a place of its own.
Dogs need an area that is only for them. When it gets nervous or scared it will have a place of refuge. Make it a comfortable place for your dog. It doesn't have to be fancy, just comfortable. Just like people, every living creature has times when it just wants to be left alone to sleep or relax
6. Letting the dog think it is in charge.
The leader in your house is you, not the dog! Your dog will receive food and attention when you decide. Not whenever it wants. Your dog must earn its rewards, they are not a gift.
7. Making 'goodbye' a big event.
Do not make a big deal out of having to leave the house. This is not the time to lavish extra attention on your dog. It will only be aggravated after you leave. A good idea is to leave your dog with fresh food and water, and maybe a toy.
8. Feeding your dog 'people' food.
Constantly feeding a dog table scraps can be very unhealthy for dogs. They are not recycle bins! There are many very good dog foods available - buy those for your pet. People do not eat dog food, why should it be the other way around?
9. Having unrealistic expectations.
Though at times it may seem like it, dogs are not human. Dogs need logical and consistent training to live well with people. They do not understand when you explain to them 'why'. When your dog misbehaves a simple "Don't!" or "No!" is enough and suitable.
Avoiding these mistakes will assure you and your dog live a long and happy life together.
Dencho Denchev is a dog lover from Bulgaria. He offers the highest quality pet care products available. Rest easy knowing your special friend will be taken care of. (Don't forget yourself too!)When you visit

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Top 5 Dog Health Problem Symptoms

Protecting your dog's health is the most important thing over anything else. With the proper diagnosis and knowing what to look for will help, you determine some possible reasons for the dog health problems. The top 5 dog health problem symptoms provide knowledge about parvovirus, skin disorders, eye problems, rabies and ear problems. When you see the first signs of a problem, you need to respond appropriately to protect the health of your dog.

Dog Health Problem Symptoms of Parvovirus
Some symptoms of the disease are weight loss, dehydration, vomiting, fever and nasal discharge. If you see any of these signs, you will need immediate medical attention for your dog. Diarrhea is usually the first symptom, which could be from anything, but when other symptoms appear, you will have a better idea of what you are dealing with. A puppy under the age of six months can contract this disease and will ultimately die. Proper vaccination at an early age will protect the puppy from this horrible disease and death.

Dog Health Problem Symptoms of Skin Disorders
Some symptoms of a skin disorder will be scratching, inflammation of the skin, and is some cases a discharge of pus from the area that breaks open due to excessive scratching. This requires medical tests and observation to determine if it results from a parasite, both internally and externally, allergy, bacterial or fungal infections and hereditary. The bottom line is there are two different types of shin diseases, hereditary and acquired.

Dog Health Problem Symptoms of Eye Problems
Red eyes, swollen eyes and weepy eyes are signs of something wrong and should be checked by your veterinarian to determine if is caused by an allergy or a more serious health problem such as conjunctivitis. The problem may also be the result of an injury if the dog plays with other dogs or cats with claws.

Dog Health Problem Symptoms of Ear Problems
Scratching of the ear, discharge, odor and shaking of the head might indicate some type of ear infection. This also might come from a parasite infestation that invades the ear such as an ear mite. Other reasons for symptoms may be trauma, bacterial and allergies, which will result in ear problems as well. Dogs that have ears that hang down covering the ear canal are more prone to ear problems than other dog because no air gets into the ear to dry it up, so it stays moist and invites infection.

Dog Health Problem Symptoms of Rabies
Without proper vaccination, the dog that has an encounter with a rabid animal can contract rabies, which will result in death. Symptoms to watch for are change in behavior, foaming of the mouth, biting and aggressive behavior towards people and other animals. This is probably the most serious dog health problem ever, since it can spread the virus through biting. Immediate containment and medical help is needed at the onset of such symptoms to protect your family and society from the spread of rabies.

You can also find more info on bull dog health issues and dog health care. is a comprehensive resource to help dog owners identify their dog's illness symptoms and treatment options.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Perfect Care for your Pit Bull Puppies

Pit bulls are very courageous dogs that require early socialization with other dogs and children. Most of us think that these dog breeds are tend to be aggressive, but this is their owner's fault, no the dogs. Pit bull puppy care will make your pet more friendly and loyal to all your family members.

The early socialization period is very short, lasting for only a few months. During this time, puppies learn how to behave with other dogs and humans.

Socializing Training should be start as soon as puppies are old enough to try to wander away from the mother dog. They should be routinely handled, groomed regularly, and exposed to the sights and sounds that will be part of their adult lives.

The senses are well developed at the age of four weeks. At this age, the pit bull puppies should receive mental stimulation and learn how to behave with other dogs through regular play activity. They may be kept in a pen so that they can become adjusted to their surroundings without being frightened.

Try to groom your pit bull puppy at least twice a week. This helps to keep the puppy's coat clean and satisfies its need for mothering.

You should handle the pup several times in a day. This will help the pit bull puppy to accept being picked up and held by humans. Early obedience training from four weeks old will lead to good habits in later life. If you teach a puppy to sit or stand for its meal now, it will naturally do so as an adult.

Be sure to provide growing pit bull puppies with frequent, nutritious meals necessary for both growth and the maintenance of their bodies.

After eight weeks old, the puppy will move to its new home, so it must be vaccinated against infectious diseases including parvo, corona, distemper, leptospira, etc. Check with your vet to do these vaccinations at the earliest possible time.

Once you adopt these early socializing lessons to the pit bull puppies, it will ensure confident on the young dog and will become more inquisitive and exhibits a "can do and don't give up" attitude.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

When Your Dog Starts To Sneeze - by: Jack Russell

Indeed, there are many things that both the dogs and the dog owners could have in common. For example, both dogs and dog owners could be prone to obesity if not regulating food intake and by not exercising.

In addition, dogs and humans may also acquire diseases that results from improper dietary regimen like diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

Moreover, the most amusing thing that both dogs and humans share is the fact that they are both vulnerable to allergies.

Sounds impossible? Think again.

Veterinary experts assert that dogs have allergies too. One of the primary signs of allergies is the itching of their skin. Their respiratory tract system can also be affected with allergies.

Normally, dogs will manifest symptoms of respiratory tract allergies like sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Their nose and their eyes may also manifest a discharge just like humans do whenever they have colds or flu.

There are also allergies that may have an effect on their digestive system; hence, it may result to watery stools, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Experts say that almost 20% of the dogs in the United States suffer from several types of allergy. So, for people who want to know more about the different allergies that dogs acquire, here is a list of the most common allergies:

1. Allergies with flea

It is a well-known fact that dogs are usually infected with fleas. However, what most people do not know is that they can get allergies through these fleas, too.

Well, it is not the fleas that actually cause the allergic reactions in dogs but the flea’s saliva. Hence, it is important for the dog to undergo a skin allergy examination so as to determine if a particular dog is sensitive to flea saliva.

In the event that the dog is allergic to flea saliva, it would be better for the owner to implement a rigorous flea control or flea eradication treatment in order to lessen the allergic reactions. Though, it must be kept in mind that solutions that are used in flea control should be safe to the dogs.

2. Allergies pertaining to foods

Like humans, dogs get allergies from food as well. There are instances wherein dogs get allergies from foods that their system cannot tolerate, such as wheat, soy products, pork, beef, whey, fish, eggs, milk, corn, artificial sweeteners, and chemical preservatives that are placed in their food.

Moreover, dogs can get allergies in food that they have not tried before. So, the best way to combat this particular allergy problem is to feed the dog with the commercial dog foods more often instead of homemade products.

Some signs of allergic reactions to food in dogs are shaking of the head, scratching the ears, irritated skin, biting and licking at the rear feet, inflammations in the ear, sneezing, behavioral changes, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

3. Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a known allergic skin disease in dogs. This usually caused by the hypersensitivity of the dog’s immune system to ordinary substances that can be found in the environment like molds or dust mites.

Usually, a dog is said to be suffering from atopic dermatitis when the dog begins to excessively lick and chew its paws, licking the abdomen and its rear feet.

Atopic dermatitis can be seen as a saliva staining found in the armpits, between the toes of the paws, and in the groin. In light-colored canines, atopic dermatitis can be seen as a red-brown stain found on the same parts that were mentioned.

4. Allergies resulting from bacteria

This is the most common cause of serious allergies in dogs. Generally, there are certain bacteria that thrive in the dog’s skin. This is known as the species of Staphylococcus bacteria. In most cases, this does not cause allergies in dogs. However, there are certain types of dogs that develop an allergy to it.

The most common symptom of this kind of allergy is hair loss along with the development of ringworm like marks in the dog’s skin. The areas where these marks appear usually get infected, hence, it is important to treat them with antibiotics.

Indeed, allergies are not for humans only. Allergies great affects almost 20% of the total population of dogs in the United States, and that is a pretty alarming number. Therefore, it is extremely important for dog owners to know these dog allergies so as to come up with some preventive measures at the first sign of the attack.

About The Author

Jack Russell is a a long time dog fancier, visit his Dog Resources Blog and download his Free Dog Owners Handbook - it's Dog Gone Good!

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