Friday, February 29, 2008

Dog Bad Breath

Bad dog breath can be a bad problem for your dog and you, at times their breath an be unbearable and make bonding with them a chore you'd rather avoid at all costs. This may not be due them and more down to the care you have not realized that your dog should have. Dog's bad breath like most other dog symptoms can be the cause of many different issues separately or together, this makes the cause hard to diagnose without a proper examination from a professional dog carer or vet.

Common causes of dog bad breathe -

Maybe your dog is finding it hard to eat or swallow which can lead to dog's bad breath and other illnesses that are related. Saliva drooling from your dog's mouth may also be a cause of bad breath, as more saliva gets built up in their mouth is makes it easier for bacteria to breed resulting in bad breath.

The last and most common form of bacteria build up is from not cleaning or not properly cleaning your dog's teeth, this enables tartar to form and make the bad odour you are forced to smell day in day out. Many believe that food choice and what you feed them is a problem when dog breath is concerned, as this may be true to an extent this is more of a temporary short term problem and the reason above is more likely to be the problem cause.

There are plenty of dental hygiene products available in pet shops and online, some work better than others on different ones but you best bet is to clean your dog's teeth regularly to stop the bacteria build up, this is where the problem begins and where you should target your efforts. If you fear the problem has got too far to recover or damage or the gums and teeth is visible you should contact your vet as soon as possible for help and a proper diagnosis of your pet.

For more information on Dog Behavior Training take a look at

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Care and Temperament of Dachshund Dogs

Dachshund dogs belong to hound group. There are three Dachshund varieties, which include short haired, wire haired and long haired. Although Dachshund breed is native of Germany, they have been bred worldwide.

Today, the Dachshund is a perfect house pet and companion. He is courageous, lively, clever, loyal, and cheerful. Although this breed won't require heavy exercise, they need controlled diet and regular romps.

These dogs were originally bred to hunt badgers and are strong-willed. Most of us think that this miniature breed is easy to control, but for such a small canine he certainly possess lot of power and character into that tiny body.

If you're used to larger dogs (Dob, GSD) noted for obedience, this might not be your choice. Dachshund puppies are really stubborn and not too easy to train. But temperament with family members and welcome guests is really stupendous.

Among three varieties, long haired variety is calm in nature. These breeds are naturally mischievous and curious. Most of the owners admired the presence of this breed in their home, as these dogs love to be with people.

Unfortunately their physical conformation has other effects too. Dachshund s require constant care of skin, as it is lengthier than other hound varieties. In addition to this, these breeds are more prone for fungal infection. Hence if there is any hair loss in a patchy manner over the body, it requires immediate attention. In addition to these disadvantages, the extra spine can lead to back and spine problems.

If these dog breeds are provoked, they tend to bite. You should adhere to stringent feeding schedules to Dachshund breeds because they are more prone for obesity.

Are you really interested to add a Dachshund to your home? Then, you may need to search for this perfect breed at Dachshund rescue, standard breeders home and your veterinarian's office.

If you need a dog with loads of personality, low maintenance companion, or a nice looking breed Dachshund could be an excellent choice.

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