Saturday, November 29, 2008

Destructive Dog Chewing - 3 Tips to Stop Destructive Dog Chewing

It's great when your dog chews its own toy. But when dog chewing starts to focus on your possessions and household items it can be the beginning of a lifelong problem.

There Are Three Primary Reasons for Dog Chewing:

  • Most dogs have a natural desire to chew. Dog chewing passes their time and it's fun.
  • If a dog is bored, lonely or nervous chewing gives them an outlet. It's like comfort food for people and is quite soothing to an anxious dog.
  • When dogs are under exercised, dog chewing gives them a way to burn up nervous energy and also gives them something to do.
  • There are some easy things you can do to prevent destructive dog chewing.

    How to Stop Destructive Dog Chewing Before It Begins

    If you can stop your dog from getting her first jaw full of a table leg, a running shoe or a pillow you're way ahead of the game because after her first chew she'll go after those things in the future.

  • So confine her to a dog-proofed area such as a crate until you are sure she understands your rules.
  • Keep things out of reach.
  • Since dogs like to explore the world with their mouths it's up to you to keep things out of reach.

    Common targets in your home include shoes, clothing, books, eyewear and garbage along with small cameras, remote controls and cell phones.

    Make them inaccessible to her climbing, jumping, and standing on her back legs.

  • Give her lots of tasty alternatives to your things.
  • Remember that most dogs love and need to chew. If she's a puppy (less than a year old) or an adolescent (under three years old), her needs are even more pronounced.

    So it's time to go shopping! Get a big variety of toys and give her two or three at a time to play with. Keep things novel and interesting for her by changing her toys every several days.

    These three ideas are a good start. And for the one thing you always need to do to stop dog chewing see 7 Ways to Stop Dog Chewing. For more great tips about training your dog, take a look at now.

    (c) Copyright - Steve Schulman. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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    Sunday, August 31, 2008

    Signs of Ill Health to Your Dog

    Signs of ill health are the most important signs of the health status in your dogs. For example, if the dog has continuous nasal discharge, it indicates the presence of nasal congestion and if the discharge is thick, most of the times, the dog may have pneumonia.

    If the dog vomits one or two times occasionally, this may not be taken as a serious sign of ill health but if the dog continues this vomiting, then this is something significant to be looked into.

    If the dog has continuous itching, then one needs to check up the dog first by closer observation and examination of skin by separating the hair material especially in case of long haired breeds. You may also come across a lot of ticks or lice on skin, which may look apparently normal at a distance.

    If the dog passes loose stool for one or two times, this need not be given more emphasis but if there is continuous passing of loose stool, then the dog is understood to suffer from bowel disorders. If the dog does not pass stool for two to three days, the digestive upsets needs to be ruled out carefully.

    Just patiently observe the dog's walking movements and rule out any abnormal movements in the dog. If the dog is limping, the animal may have foot lesions. Similarly, if the aged dog has reluctant walking and less feed intake along with repeated vomiting, then acute renal disorders like nephritis needs to be ruled out.

    If there is whiteness in eyes, suspect the corneal opacity that may occur in diseases like trypanosomosis. When the dog becomes anemic, the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes paler and in severe cases, this may have wall white color. If the dog bites chain and owners or others, look for behavior disorders and rabies needs to be ruled out.

    For information on what you should be feeding your dog go to & Learn the truth to dog food

    Article Source:

    Saturday, August 30, 2008

    How to Exercise a Pit Bull

    All working dog breeds need a lot of exercise. Both to keep them healthy but also to tire them out. This is especially true of Pit Bulls, as the saying goes "A Tired Pit Bull is a Good Pit Bull". If your dog isn't getting enough exercise, the excess energy that he or she has will likely be spent chewing your new couch or jumping on every visitor to your home.

    Everyone when they get a new dog is told to take it on long walks. Personally, I don't think walking is enough. Pit bulls were bread to be active working dogs. If you notice when you walk your dog that it never runs. The dog's were breed to run. Walking just doesn't get a dog's activity level high enough to drain much energy. You need to find another way to increase your dogs exercise.

    You may be able to jog with your dog, however even at normal jogging paces the dog just isn't really exerting himself. The object of exercising your dog much like a human is to get it to run for a solid 20 to 30 minutes. I find that adding a intense game of fetch at the local park gets my dogs running at the best pace for a good amount of time.

    I have a park close by that is quite open and rarely has other people (or dogs for that matter). I normally walk my dog to this park on his leash and then once at the park, I pull out his favorite ball and we play a intense game of fetch. No short passes here, I throw as far as I am able and my dog runs as fast as possible to fetch the ball and return it to me. My dog gets a lot of pleasure out of this game.

    I only suggest you take your dog to an open park if it is well trained. If you dog doesn't return unquestioned to the "recall" command you probably need to work with the dog some more before thinking about taking the dog off of leash at a park. This is especially important for the Pit Bull, due both to the breeds tendency to be dog aggressive you may find yourself in a bad situation if your dog decides to be unruly.

    Even if you don't have access to a vacant park or have a dog that isn't quite trained enough to be allowed off leash. There are several things you can still do. I use a Flirt pole with younger dogs to tire them out. This can be done in a normal sized back yard. Also, you could hang a spring pole from a tree or other structure and train your dog to use it. I have also read about people that have trained their dogs to use a treadmill.

    Exercise should be an important part of your dogs daily routine. I have yet to have behavior problems with any dog that has been properly exercised.

    Dave M. Russell is an advocate for the true conforming pit bull breed. Visit his site and learn valuable tips about Pit Bulls.

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    Saturday, August 16, 2008

    Dog Paw Health - Why Dog Foot Care is Critical For Your Dog's Well Being

    Your dogs paws are a critical piece of equipment so practicing good dog paw health care is vital for the well-being of your pet. Let's face it, dogs don't wear shoes to protect their paws so paying a little bit of extra attention to this area can help keep their feet working in tip top shape.

    Doc's paws are actually quite a complicated part of their body. On the bottom they have several pads that act as a cushioning and springing mechanism. On the edges are the toenails which can be used to claw and dig and on the top is the fur which of course protects the foot. While not all dogs paws are created exactly equal, they are all pretty similar.

    Taking care of your dogs paws should be part of your normal health and grooming routine for the dog. Here are a few of the steps you should take to ensure good dog paw health:

    - inspect and the pads periodically for splinters or foreign material and remove it.
    - keep your dogs nails trimmed.
    - keep the fur in between the dog's pads trimmed
    - don't let your dog walk in puddles that may have chemicals like anti-freeze in them
    - always dry off your dog's pads after he has been walking in a wet area

    While you may not think it because they walk on them, most dogs feet are very sensitive and you may have a hard time getting your dog to submit to having his paws inspected if he's not used to it. The best thing for you to do is to start touching the paws when he is a puppy. Every day spend some time just lightly touching the paws until the dog gets used to it. Then you can move on to a more thorough inspection gradually doing more and more as your dog will allow.

    Try to make grooming and inspecting your dogs paws part of your weekly grooming routine. Check the nails to make sure they are not too long and cut them if they are. Some dogs have hair that grows out in between the pads and this can actually get quite long making it hard for them to walk because it can be slippery. If your dog is one of these breeds make sure you keep the hair trimmed down below the pads but be very careful when you have scissors near the pads of your dogs feet.

    Every good dog owner wants to make sure that his dog is in the best health possible and having a good dog paw health regimen is just one of the things that conscientious dog owners need to do for perfect pet health. Educating yourself on the health and training needs of your dog and providing those for him will insure a happy, healthy and long-lived pet.

    Would you like to have a dog that is perfectly healthy, happy and well trained? If you're ready to learn more about dog care and training, visit and download our free ebook on dog care and training

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    Thursday, July 31, 2008

    Knowing about the Different Types of Dog Urine Cleaning Products

    Contrary to popular opinion, homemade cleaning solutions can be just as effective as commercially manufactured dog cleaning products. All it takes is a little experience, imagination and knowledge. In other words – everything!

    But enough bickering and let’s concentrate on briefly describing some of the most common dog cleaning products that continue to be in use today.

    Could All-Natural be the Best?

    Remember that dog urine is above else an organic material – liquid though it may be – and for that reason, there’s a good chance that organic cleaning products may also make the pet urine odor and stain go away. To use this particular dog cleaning product, just pour the solution on the stains then blot and scrub them thoroughly. You’ll no doubt be surprised when a few minutes of scrubbing turned your carpet into something totally new looking!


    Surely you didn’t think that peroxide wouldn’t come into the equation, would you? To remove dog urine stains with the use of this product, all you have to do is combine peroxide with a moderate amount of water, mix it then dip a sponge on it until you find the stains vanishing bit by bit!


    Believe it or not but window cleaners – for some strange or too scientific way – can actually be used to clean stains. This particular dog cleaning alternative is quite easy to use. Just spray it on the stained area, blot or dry it out with some paper towels then wait for the solution to perform its magic.

    To ensure that your precious carpet does not have any adverse reactions to the liquid, choose a very small corner of the blanket to test the product out. So far, so good!


    If you formerly thought that your favorite detergent is only good for laundry, think again. Many pet owners have discovered a whole new side to detergent and that’s causing dog urine stains to appear.

    To use this particular dog cleaning method, all you have to do is mix a tablespoon of your favorite detergent to a mirror. Then, use a vacuum to suck out the wetness from it.

    Using a detergent can lessen the damage caused by your pet dog’s urine; it also works more or less the way steam rollers do.


    Again, contrary to popular belief, vinegar actually have other uses outside the kitchen and that’s helping remove dog urine stains from your home’s expensive carpet.


    As more and more years pass by, the toothpaste seems to be gaining multiple purposes for its existence. Besides cleaning teeth, toothpaste can also more or less remove the ugly and semi-permanent stains caused by pet urine.


    Do not purchase dog urine products from companies that make use of gaudy advertisements online and offline.

    More often than not, the dog urine products they’re selling are ineffective.

    The longer you leave the stain untouched, the harder it would be to clean them. And since pet urine location all over your home can be quite difficult, it’s best that you make use of a pet urine detector to speed up your business.


    This is obviously a solution that combines two alternatives. See for yourself if it’s effective!
    As a last note, if you feel that the stain is very difficult to remove, just opt to have the professional cleaners do it themselves.

    Michael Louis is a dog lover with a passion for knowledge who enjoys sharing his dog cleaning care secrets. Now that you know how to remove that bad odor, learn the secrets to house training your dog and stop this from happening again at

    Article Source:

    Sunday, July 27, 2008

    How to Administer Medicine to your Dog?

    Most of the times, the dogs are so intelligent to find out the drug mixed water or food materials offered to them by the dog owners. Hence, often it becomes a headache for the dog owners to give medicines to their dogs.

    To the possible extent, the animal need not be forced for taking of the drug. If the medicine is to be given by mouth, first decide whether it is better to give it along with water or food. Many times, the medicines are mixed with food materials and are kept in concealed position by proper mixing of the medicine with the food materials.

    Before administering the medicine, just delay the feeding time in the particular dog. Hence, the dog may be hungry to some extent. At that time, give little quantity of normal food without medicine and the dog may eat it well without any suspicion and now provide the medicine mixed food and the dog may voluntarily eat it most of the times.

    If the dog resists, first restraint the dog well and open the mouth. Place the tablet behind the fang teeth and almost behind the bulb of the tongue. However, take care that the medicine what you are administering in the dog should not enter directly into the respiratory organ like lungs.

    If so, the dog will experience many bouts like activities and may end up in aspiration pneumonia with severe nasal discharge and panting like activities. In puppies, just swab the medicine around the upper lip. The puppy will lick automatically the drug by tongue. Hence, the administration becomes perfect in such cases.

    If the medicine is in liquid form, don't raise the head of dog too much and place medicine by a syringe. Just by using a dropper, fill the medicine in the lip pocket. The continuous rubbing at the throat side may stimulate the swallowing. Making the animal thirsty and then offering of medicine mixed water may many times help the intake of the medicine.

    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    How Much Should you Feed your Dog?

    Many people will give different types of answers based on their experience with their dogs. However, the scientific facts related to the feeding aspects in case of dogs need to be given emphasis during the feeding activities maintained in case of dogs.

    Usually the puppies should not be separated before they are eight weeks old. However, some times the orphaned puppies may exist. Usually about five percent of the body weight may be taken as criteria for the quantity of food to be given to the puppies. However, the amount that is consumed by the dog varies with size of the dogs also.

    However, one can have a thumb rule of feeding the puppy goes until you see visible fullness of the abdomen to a moderate degree. If you are going on feeding the animal without giving emphasis to the animal's stomach appearance, then the puppy may experience some kinds of digestive upsets and the diarrhea may occur in them.

    This may cause many inconveniences to the owner as well as the puppy. Unlike adult dogs, the puppies need to be fed with restricted amounts of food but in more frequencies. However, once the age advances, the amount may be increased to some extent but the frequency of feeding is often decreased in many occasions.

    A dog on a raw diet may consume only two to four percent of their body weight. Just observe closely the feeding pattern of the dog and the body condition of the animal. If the dog becomes obese, just reduce the quantity of food and if the dog becomes thin, then have an increase in the feeding items.

    As mentioned earlier, puppies and adolescent dogs eat more than the adult dogs. Likewise the geriatric dog eats less than the adult dog due to the reduced movements of the dog. However, remember to restrict the amounts of protein during the feeding of diet to the aged dogs.

    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    Home Made Dog Diets

    Home made diets are important in the dog feeding. Many a times, the commercial diets consist of food items that have artificial coloring agents and flavoring agents that are harmful to the dog's body. Home made food items have the guarantee of freshness in the preparation unlike the ready-made commercial items.

    The preservatives added in the commercial food items may not be the suitable ones to the dogs from the health point of view. Even in case of renal diseases in dogs, the home made diets may be made with ground beef, slices of bread, calcium carbonate, boiled eggs etc.

    The purpose is to have the restricted protein supply in the feed items prepared. This should be carried out with home made diets prepared exclusively for the dogs suffering from renal diseases. Water is added in sufficient quantities to help the proper metabolism in the digestion-impaired renal cases.

    The dog may have allergic symptoms like severe itching, which may not get corrected by different kinds of medications employed over a period of time. Such cases may get easily treated once the dog food is changed from the commercial type of food to the home made food items.

    Often, the home made food items are prepared using the freezing procedures to kill the germs or by adding grape seed extracts to provide sufficient antioxidants to the home made food items. Food grade vinegar is also added in many times to the meat pieces prepared in a fresh manner. All these can be enriched with vitamin supplements that are available in fruit essences, fish oil etc.

    Cranberry juice, bananas, fish and meat are prepared in a quality manner and no preservatives are added during the preparation of these kinds of food items and the dog becomes more active after the consumption of such food items.

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Your Vet: The Perfect Resource to Educate You About Your Dog's Diet

    Whether you have recently been blessed with a new puppy in your home, or you are a seasoned dog handler, it is wise to speak with a veterinarian about the best diet for your dog. With so many ideas, diet plans, and dog food varieties on the market, how do you know where to start?

    Begin with your vet. A trusted veterinarian wants only what is best for your dog. Just like you, he or she wants to find and discover what is perfect for your dog's diet. Talk about all aspects of your dog's diet.

    Your veterinarian can advise you on the basics of a dog's diet. Often, your vet will recommend a dry dog food. Dry food as the main component of your dog's diet, will increase the likelihood of good dental health for your pet, but this varies depending on specifics.

    Treats are another area that you will want to discuss with the veterinarian. Do they encourage specific types of treats? What snacks are discouraged for your specific pet?

    Each animal is different and you and your vet know your dog better than anyone. Working together, you will find what aspects of your dog's diet work best, and what needs to be altered. Some breeds, for example, will often have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. For this reason, your vet may recommend a smaller portion for your dog's diet than the recommended amount on the side of a dog food bag. If your older pet has trouble chewing, specific types of dog food may be beneficial as part of your dog's diet.

    Your dog's diet plays a significant role in the health of your pet. Your vet can inform you about any supplements needed to boost your dog's outlook for a happy and healthy life. Glucosamine is one item that is recommended by most veterinarians to promote healthy joints. This is especially true for dog's of larger breeds.

    The next time you are in the vet's office is a great time to bring up your dog's diet. Your vet will be able to weigh your dog to see if weight is an issue. He or she can take a look at the overall health of your pet. For example, if your dog has a dull coat, your veterinarian may suggest a different type of dog food or to add an egg to your dog's diet.

    During the lifetime of your pet, your dog's diet may need to be changed to suit his or her needs. Puppies and older dogs may require additional amounts of protein or other vitamins and minerals. If your dog is bred, your vet may recommend other changes to your dog's diet.

    With all the hype about what is healthy for a dog's diet, do not decide to go at it alone and inadvertently choose a poor diet. Speak to the vet about your dog's diet and educate yourself on what is best for your beloved pet. A healthy diet is key to longevity. Both you and your vet want to see your dog live to be happy and healthy for many years, and providing a nutritious diet for your dog is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal.

    Monday, July 07, 2008

    Teacup Yorkies: No Such Animals

    After much research, I have found that technically, there are no such breeds as Teacup Yorkies. Not recognized by AKC (American Kennel Club) or by any reputable breeders, anyway. And considered unethical by the YTCA (the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America) if bred smaller than their already small size. Teacup Yorkies is evidently a label used to inflate prices and get more money from unsuspecting customers or customers who don»t do any homework before buying what they are sure is a Teacup.

    «Teacup Yorkies» is a redundant term. Yorkies are already small: they are of the standard, acceptable, and healthy small weight of 4-7 pounds, full-grown. The puppies advertised as Teacup Yorkies, then, may not yet be full grown, or may be small, tiny, miniature, or fit in a teacup at 2.5 to 4.5 pounds because some breeders are creating an animal that»according to many knowledgeable breeders»is vulnerable to a number of health issues and problems.

    According to those who know and urge people who want Teacup Yorkies to re-think, any so-called Toy or Teacup under 4 pounds is at risk for bone disease, as their bones are fragile; their internal organs are often weak and susceptible to failure; their teeth don»t fit in their mouths, so there are major dental problems; their blood sugar levels are finicky to the point that they are candidates for comas and hypoglycemic shocks; they are very prone to diahrhea and vomiting; and often they need surgeries that many die from, being unable to withstand the anesthesia treatments.

    Now, I am not an expert, but I have studied a wide sampling, so as to avoid taking information from only one person with one one year-old that is «only 1.5 pounds!» and consider that a complete testimony. Yes, «tiny» Yorkies exist. Yes, there are small Yorkies (ahem) that people are calling Toys and Teacups, but their existence does not prove there is any such creature as a healthy, viable, lifetime-guaranteed Teacup Yorkie.

    One of many expressed joy over owning Teacup Yorkies. The same person, as did many others, described her/his experience to defend the point that Teacups are available and are healthy, first by saying that she/he had not had «any problems with her whatsoever.» But within a few sentences, the speaker did say, ««She»s been stepped on a few times»and never even whimpered», ««her baby teeth didn»t all fall out»,» ««she also has a collapsing trachea»,» and ««coughs every once in a while.» Hmmm. A «full grown» 2 pound dog with such problems»seems to me to be proof that a legitimate Yorkie»and one who doesn»t have to suffer--is not what this person paid for.

    Another person said there are such things as Teacup Yorkies, as she has one, though she also commented that $ 400 seemed so unfair when she paid $1500 for hers! This is exactly what she was expected to think about the existence of Teacups»so she would fork over the cash! Aha! Follow my drift»

    Further, when another person expressing a desire for Teacup Yorkies asked where Teacup Yorkies come from, a self-proclaimed «Doctor of Veterinary Medicine» explained it thusly: «Teacup Yorkie puppies come from Teacup parents.» Hmm. So if you ignore the authorities, willingly pay 3 to 5 times the amount you would for an already small Yorkie, and if you believe in circular logic»you will have yourself a Yorkie»or an underweight dog that doesn»t deserve the health problems it will probably incur. So please do a little research and find a reputable breeder, so your Yorkshire Terrier (which you can pretend is called a Toy if you want) is one who will be healthy and happy for more than one or two years»for it»s whole life.

    Sunday, July 06, 2008

    Parvo Disease Details Revealed Here...

    Dexter is a cute little 12 week old Lab who has contracted a SERIOUS ILLNESS..Parvovirus.

    He has vomited for 2 days straight, he now has EXTENSIVE bloody diarrhea, and he is EXTEMELY dehydrated.

    He is one who NEEDS INTENSIVE treatment in the Hospital to even survive.

    He is on IV Fluids, with IV antibiotics, and he will need additional treatment based on blood tests. If his protein level is TOO low, then he may need plasma.

    Parvoviral Enteritis is A VERY serious disease,and in spite of AGGRESSIVE VETERINARY CARE,
    20% of the Puppies Die.


    In spite of the RISKS of VACCINES I DO advise that your puppy gets 2 boosters for Parvovirus at 8 and 12 weeks.

    OVER 90% of Parvo cases occur in dogs less than 1 year of age- so the RISK is HIGH as a puppy. After that the RISK is pretty minimal.

    MEANING that you DON'T need YEARLY BOOSTERS for Parvo, as MANY Veterinarians are STILL doing.

    The MORAL of my story is that you have to balance the PROS and CONS of Conventional Veterinary Medicine in Preventing and Treating Disease.

    Saturday, July 05, 2008

    Find Out How to Clipping your Dog

    Many dog owners generally think of clipping as only a mechanical activity. Few understand that clipping a dog is an art. Clipping a coat or nail needs to be carried out in a careful manner to avoid the injuries to the skin or nail. Clipping of the coat is to be taken care of as per the breed characteristics. If the coat is not properly clipped, this may lead to the dust accumulation in the coat and the animal may start showing signs of skin diseases. This is true especially when the grooming activities are not done in a proper manner.

    Clipping of coat helps to get rid of the parasitic burden to a greater extent and also, the clipping of your dog is of more useful to expose on the type of parasitic problem that the dog is likely to suffer. Many pet health parlors are available wherein the clipping of dog will be carried out in a more systematic manner.

    Always make use of a sharp clipper and in the winter regions, avoid the close clipping. This is due to the fact that the closer clipping in the winter seasons may expose the dog to the environmental stresses like the cold climate. Hence, the dog may become more vulnerable to the frostbite. Avoid the close clipping of coat or nail because this may cause injury to the underlying tissues and may cause bleeding in the concerned animal.

    Many pet owners need to avoid any clipping activity when the animal is not in healthy status. Clipping instruments are available to a greater extent in many pet shops. Avoid the blunt instruments because they may not clip well and hence, repetition is required often. Always use modern equipments for clipping activities.

    Monday, June 30, 2008

    Shih Tzu Dogs - Why So Popular?

    Shih Tzu dogs are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. These dogs originated in China where they were palace dogs for the Chinese Emperor. Quite often the terms "regal" and "imperial" are associated with these little dogs.

    Shih Tzus are little dogs, ranging in weight from about 9 to 16 pounds. Some dogs have been selected for smaller size, but these do not meet the breed standard for showing. Though the dogs are small, they are stocky and very solid, strong dogs.

    The personality of these dogs is one reason they have so many fans. The dogs possess a very lively disposition, but are generally good with other pets and also with children. A Shih Tzu does best as an inside dog with some chances to get outside exercise. These animals are considered a cold climate dog and are very sensitive to high temperatures.

    Maybe part of the reason for the high temperature sensitivity of the dogs is the Shih Tzu coat. They have a long flowing double coat great for colder weather. The coat can be styled long or can be cut short as a summer coat. The palm-like tail waves above the body. There is some hair shedding so the hair requires some maintenance including daily brushing to control tangling. Also the snub nose face may require some extra attention to keep the area around the eyes clean and dry.

    If you love lively, intelligent dogs that do well indoors, a Shih Tzu may be just the companion for you.

    Would you like more tips on Shih Tzu dogs?

    Please visit and get more free resources.

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    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    Do You Have an Ear For Your Pet's Ear Infection?

    Your pet dog or cat or tiger or lion can be inflicted with ear infection and the question is, do you have the ear to "listen" to their pains and suffering when they have ear infection? Or to put it specifically, do you have the eyes and the ears to look for an ear product for pets? It's a good thing you have or else you wouldn't come here looking for one.

    As a responsible pet owner, what would you do to contain the cause of pet ear infection or maybe, even prevent its inception? Offline or online, there are several proven effective ear care methods that would likely to work to hamper the harmful activities of fungus, bacteria or mites deep down in the long, narrow and intricate ear canal of your pet.

    There are some preventive measures that you might already be aware to prevent ear infection in your pet. Some of these are general and regular cleaning of its ears, trying to see to it that no excess water gets inside the ears and of course, giving them the best nutrients that they can get from their foods. Always remember, although foods are the basic needs of animals other than human and plant life forms, it is also true to animals that what they eat can also be dangerous for them.

    For example, it's always a no-no to feed a dog with chocolates and you know why? It's because they are prone to allergic reactions. There are foods that can affect their skin and their fur and there are foods that can make them feel so itchy that they will not stop scratching their ears, for instance, even if there are evidences of blood. Doing this can also result to animal ear infection.

    Now, however, if the case is getting severe, if there are some recurring infections, conventional treatment will not be able to solve the problem or bring about a sustained or permanent healing for your pet's condition. It is time to consult a veterinarian where he can prescribed antibiotics and other medications.

    If you should opt for a more holistic approach in the treatment, the application of topical pet herbal supplements will guarantee to get rid of the root cause of the problem and not just to neutralize ear parasites. And it would be a relief to know that herbal supplements has no side-effects unlike conventional medicines that has a debilitating effect, ranging from a loss of appetite to vigorous vomiting that could cause certain death.

    You might say, "Hey, it's just an ear infection and why would my beloved die from it?" Actually, your pet will die because of your negligence and not because of ear infections or any other diseases or illnesses.

    Just as with humans, you have to be very attentive to your pet's needs and they really need your utmost care and concern. So, do you have the ear for its ear infection? Don't waste another second to find an ear product for pets and when doing so, you're not just concerned about your pet's health but you're also concerned with the unconventional love and relationship you have with your pet.

    About the Author
    Syahrul Azlan Idris can help you find solution for your pet meds needs. For acfrontline flea tick needs get his free advice from his pet meds website at

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    Friday, June 20, 2008

    A Short List of Reasons Why Dogs Bite

    Every dog comes equipped with a set of shiny, pointy, sharp teeth. And his or her teeth can be used as a tool or a weapon.

    They're a tool when your pooch uses them to pick up something, scratch an itchy spot, or rip his food apart (dog's don't actually chew you know). But they're also a weapon when they're used to protect Fido by inflicting pain on someone or something that means him harm.

    So the question is, what makes a dog use his teeth as a weapon (especially when you can't think of a reason why he should)?'s the short list.

    Your Dog is Afraid of Something...

    Every dog has a different nature. Some are more easily frightened than others...and some (especially rescue dogs) are afraid because they've been abused.

    If your dog is biting because he's afraid, you'll need to remove whatever is causing that fear. You also may need to apply a lot of TLC and patience.

    Your Dog is Too Excited...

    Believe it or not, even the laziest mutt can get over-excited if they're played with too roughly or for too long. This is especially true of younger dogs.

    If you get "nipped" during a little rough-housing, you'll need to learn to tone it down and not rile Rover up too much the next time.

    Your Dog is Challenging You...

    It's in a dog's nature to try to get ahead. By that I mean they naturally vie for "leader of the pack" status from time to time. His biting could mean he's looking for a promotion (because he sees you as his competition).

    You'll need to put him in his place. Face him down with some very firm "No's." Ignoring him on purpose and feeding him after you've eaten are good techniques too.

    Your Dog is in Pain...

    He could be ill; he could have an injury...they can't exactly tell us so we don't know. But an obvious "tell" would be if you try to pet him on a certain part of his body and he growls and nips his disapproval.

    Obviously, this situation calls for some veterinary attention. Even if you're not sure, it wouldn't hurt to err on the side of caution and have a vet check him out.

    Your Dog was Surprised...

    Sneaking up on your buddy and yelling "Boo" in his ear when he's napping is a good way to get twenty teeth marks in your face. Shoot, if you did it to me, I might do the same.

    This one's really a no-brainer, so as my daughter used to say when she was in diapers, "No Do Dat."

    There you have it, the short list of why your dog bites. If this is more than just a situational problem (like in the case of an abused rescue dog that exhibits the behavior all the time), you'll need at least a lot of patience and kindness...but you might need some expert assistance as well. Play it safe.

    Hope this helps and thanks for reading...

    About the Author
    Michael Royce is an amateur dog trainer who has lived with, trained, (and been trained by) more than a dozen dogs in the last 25 years. He is a regular contributor to several websites and is co-founder of

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    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Always Buy From A Rottweiler Breeder And Never A Pet Store

    A Rottweiler is an investment like any other pet and when you have made the decision that it is time to get a Rottweiler puppy you may want to talk to a reputable Rottweiler breeder and avoid a pet store. A pet store is great for buying all of the supplies you will need for your pet but they should not be allowed to sell living animals at all. The travesty is that a pet store selling puppies gets worse and worse every year.

    The different humane societies in the United States refer to places called puppy mills as the sources of puppies for pet stores. In a puppy mill there is no regard for good breeding and in some cases there is no regard for sanitary conditions. Dogs are bred constantly and thrown into a cage and then sold to you. The results can often be very sad and tragic.

    When you get your Rottweiler puppy from a Rottweiler breeder your breeder will start you off with detailed care and feeding instructions that you can use to make sure you are giving your dog everything it needs. A breeder took the time to get your puppy used to living in a home setting and has tried to get your puppy used to the clatter and excitement that goes on every day in the average home.

    A pet store clerk is there to ring you out and take your money. They usually know nothing about your dog and can offer you absolutely no advice that is going to help you in raising and caring for your dog. Your puppy has only seen people through the grate of a cage and has never been outside their cage so your home will be a brand new, and potentially terrifying, experience for your pet store puppy.

    If you get your Rottweiler puppy from a reputable Rottweiler breeder you can pretty much be sure that the puppy is in good health as breeders check for disease and any health issues. If there are problems later on the breeder will work with you to solve them. To a pet store a puppy is a product and some products have problems just by the mass production methods used to make them. This is truly a sad way to treat an animal and is something no one should support.

    Pet stores have their niche of selling pet supplies that we all need for our pets but they should not be selling live animals at all. Puppies sold at a pet store have a very low chance of a healthy life and that can be an unfortunate outcome for you and your family as well as the puppy. If people stopped buying puppies from pet stores then maybe they would finally stop selling them and puppy mills would cease to exist.

    Sharon Davies is an animal lover with many years of experience breeding many purebred dogs. This article will give you the advantages of buying from Rottweiler breeders over a pet store. For important Rottweiler information you should check out this article.

    Article Source:

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    Pug Rescue

    Pugs are small, adorable dogs, popularly kept as house pets all over the world. At first sight, a Pug might resemble a small bulldog or a miniature mastiff. However, this breed is totally unique, with its heavily wrinkled, flat, round face.

    Pugs originated in China in about 700 BC and as trade routes grew, the breed spread across to Europe and America. The dog is characterized by a big, round head, short, stocky body and a tail that is curled tightly over the hip. The Pug is a very sociable dog, but can be stubborn at times. They tend to shed a lot more than other dogs in the same category and also have a tendency to snore. They are also susceptible to several diseases, including an inflammation of the brain, a disease unfortunately specific to the breed.

    Despite their loving disposition and cute appearance, Pugs are abandoned across the US every day. The reasons for these are many. In some cases, the owner might find the dog a burden as it might require more attention and time than the person is willing to give. Some Pugs are abandoned because they develop some disease or illness at an early stage. It is a sad sight to see these poor helpless animals suffer. However, all hope is not lost as several non-profit organizations look after such homeless dogs.

    Pug rescue takes place on a large scale in all US states, with each having several organizations dedicated to this cause. These organizations locate homeless and neglected Pugs and Pug crossbreeds. They work towards finding them better homes where they will be well cared and protected. These Pug rescue organizations take care of vaccinations and also treat the animal for any diseases and ailments. The organizations also provide foster homes for the animals until they find a loving family.

    Several Pug rescue missions run adoption centers. All applications that come in for Pug adoption are carefully screened before giving away the dog. These organizations, along with their caring volunteers, help give these innocent creatures a new life.

    Pugs provides detailed information on Pugs, Pug Puppies, Pug Puppies For Sale, Pug Rescue and more. Pugs is affiliated with Pitbulls Info.

    Article Source:

    Friday, May 02, 2008

    Leash Training Your English Bull Mastiff Dog

    Why Dogs Pull on the Leash

    Pulling on the leash is actually a very common problem with dogs in general, not just for Mastiffs. A dog might pull for several reasons. Most often it is only because they are very excited. Allowing the dog to settle down before walking can often stop the leash pulling.

    Sometimes, because of the dog pack mentality, a dog assumes leadership over its owner as if he were the leader of the pack. Therefore, the dog must be trained as to who the master is. The owner must establish him or herself as the leader of the pack. Failure to do so will result in ineffective training of any kind.

    How to Leash Train

    The first step is to train your English Bull Mastiff to sit still while you put the leash around his neck. Mastiffs love to spend time with their owners and they become very excited. Training your dog to be calm while preparing to go for a walk is an important step to leash training.

    You can put toys or treats in your pocket to encourage your Mastiff to remain near your side as you walk. If he loses his concentration because a cat or another dog is nearby, you can change direction and coax him with a treat to get his attention back.

    The idea is to get your puppy to be aware of you and your body so he will walk beside you and not wander or pull on the leash. If he begins to wander off or pull, stop walking. The collar will tighten and he will have to stop and turn and look at you. He will probably be confused at first as to why you are stopping. Coax him back to you and try walking together again.

    At times you may need to give a gentle tug on the leash to get your puppy's attention and to remind him that you are in charge. Never jerk harshly on the leash as this can cause damage to your dog's trachea. You only want to get his attention, not frighten or harm your puppy.

    Be consistent and persistent when leash training your English Bull Mastiff dog. Always, always praise him for his obedience. Mastiffs love nothing more than to please their owners, so praise goes a long way. Be patient, firm, and kind as you will get the desired results.

    Leash training is so important, especially with large dogs. Failure to do so can lead to all sorts of problems, especially if they get off the leash around young children or other dogs. A well trained English Bull Mastiff is a joy to own and to be around.

    Sam Daniels is a dog trainer and enthusiast and, for a limited time, is offering his extensive Mastiff Care Secrets course free of charge. It is jam-packed full of must-have information for Mastiff owners! To learn more about Mastiff care just go here

    Sam Daniels is a dog trainer and enthusiast and, for a limited time, is offering his extensive Mastiff Care Secrets course free of charge. It is jam-packed full of must-have information for Mastiff owners! Learn more about Mastiff Care Now!

    Article Source:

    Tuesday, April 29, 2008

    How To Remove Tartar Or Plague From The Teeth Of Your Dogs?

    Plague or tartars are deposits that will form and adhere to the teeth of your dogs. Typically, they are more obviously noticed on their molars or teeth at the back of the mouth. However, they can also be found on the front canine teeth too. If the plague or tartars are not removed over a long time, gum disease is likely to occur and will affect the dogs chewing its food.

    There are a few ways to maintain dental health for your dogs. You can buy special toothpaste and toothbrush for this purpose. You should not use human toothpaste as the dogs will definitely lick and swallow the toothpaste as they do not know how to gargle and spit it out. Dog toothpaste is specially formulated so that it will not hurt their body system when they swallow the toothpaste. You need to brush their teeth regularly though for it to be effective and you should start brushing early before any tartar or plague start to form on their teeth. This method is more of a preventive approach and not to remove the tartar or plague that is already present in their teeth.

    The toothbrush is like a finger glove that you can slip into your index finger and then you insert your finger into their mouth to brush the teeth. Alternately, you can buy a small toothbrush like those used for kids instead.

    There are also specially made biscuits that are supposed to prevent accumulation of tartar or plague. These treats are best given to them after their main meal as the contents are supposedly to scrub or remove any deposits in-between their teeth. Again, I would think this is more for preventive measure and maintenance of the dental health in your dogs.

    There are also strong gels that are specially formulated to remove tartar or plague but it is likely to take some time. These gels actually work on softening the hardened deposits on the teeth. Most of them are flavored too so as to make the cleansing of the teeth more pleasant for the dogs. I actually use my index finger without the glove-like brush to rub the gel all over the teeth so that I can spread the gel properly, for it to be effective. This approach may take a longer time but supposedly to be quite effective in softening the deposits and subsequently, they could be removed easily when you brush against it.

    A combination of the specially made biscuits and brushing the dogs with their canine toothpaste is another possible approach. You may want to give them the biscuits daily and only brush their teeth every other day, for example.

    I have used all the above approaches and I am still giving my dogs these specially formulated biscuits at night after their dinner. I still have some of the gel that I have been using but I have found that brushing their teeth quite a chore though the dogs enjoy licking the toothpaste. You need to give them some time to get use to their teeth being brushed and eventually, they will co-operate and look forward to it as they enjoy licking the toothpaste or gel and may see it as a treat for them.

    There is one more method that is most effective and it is to feed the dogs fresh bones once a month. Importantly, whichever method or methods that you are going to try, you must start the dental care early and not wait until you find tartar or plague on their teeth. If the methods do not work for your dogs, please consult your vet for advice or if your dogs already have severe tartar or plague on their teeth.

    About the author:
    David Poh has a Beagle and a Corgi dog. He has a website where he shares his experiences and tips on caring for dogs. For more information and to view a video clip on his dogs chewing a bone, go to

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    Sunday, April 27, 2008

    Dog Spa Products- a Perfect Pooch Gift

    Have you ever think of gifting Dog Spa Products for your special canine? Nowadays even dogs need time away. The dog spa products really pamper your pooch in luxury.

    Your dog requires get washing, grooming, feeding, and giving a chance to run free as much as he wants.

    Apart from grooming your dog, the ugly tear stains just below the eyes need to be removed. You may think how to remove dog tear stains. It is damn easy!

    You can use a product that helps to remove your dogs unsightly tear stains using all natural, safe products. You can search a specific product by Googling a term- "remove tear stains of dogs"

    How To Bathe Your Dog?

    After removing the ugly tear stains, you do require to give a natural bath to your pet. You can use Natural Dog Shampoo to keep your pet hale and healthy. Please check whether the natural dog shampoo penetrate the coat and release their healing ingredients into the skin.

    If you're able to identify the presence of your dog without barking or even entering the room, it is the high time to offer bathing to your pet.

    It is not healthy to bathe a dog frequently because that will deplete healthy oils from the coat and skin, dry out the skin, and lead to scratching and irritation.

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Pet Insurance Quotes

    Having insurance for your pet is just as important as insuring a car or insuring the loved ones in your family. However, there are still some people who have not gotten it yet even though they are considering it. If this sounds like you then read on and look at the tips we have provided for you. These tips will help you pick the right insurance policy for you and your pet.

    The first thing that you need to do is assess your needs and the needs of your pet. You should write down on a sheet of paper what exactly you require from your pet insurance. Some people want regular pet care to be covered such as routine check ups, vaccinations and teeth cleaning. Other people want insurance that will cover any damages that your pet may create, while others still want their insurance to cover any major illness of the pet such as cancer. However, it is possible that you may not find an insurance policy that will cover all of your needs, so you should consider prioritizing your needs. Be very clear as to what is the most important and what would just be a nice added bonus.

    You can pick several policies that look good to you and ask your veterinarian about them. You should be sure that your veterinarian accepts certain policies. This may help to reduce the pile of the initial policies you have chosen. In addition they can also give you recommendations about companies they feel would service you well. Doctors don't want to deal with bad insurance companies as much as you don't. There is nothing more frustrating for a doctor when their payments are slow to come because the company isn't filing the claim very fast.

    So now that you have your veterinarian's recommendations and you have a list of your top needs you can compare the policies that you have left. You can get a quote on these policies provided by various companies. Then all you have to do is compare the quotes and double check all the fine print so you are sure there will be no surprises. At this point you should be able to narrow your choices down to two or three companies. Then you should make an appointment with a representative to get some more information. You are then able to ask any questions that you still have about the policies and get clarification.

    In addition the representative will want to ask you questions. You should be prepared to answer a variety of questions concerning your pet's health and history. After you have met with the representative you should have all the information that you need to make the right decision. Be sure that you tell representatives that you are talking with about other quotes that have been provided from other companies. This may want to make them reduce their rates for you so you will choose them.

    Milos Pesic is a veterinary doctor who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Pet Insurance web site. If you want to know more about Pet insurance, Dog insurance, Cat insurance, Pet insurance Online and much more visit his site at:

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    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Affordable Pet Insurance

    It is a strange fact that most pet owners do not bother obtaining affordable pet insurance; strange when you consider how attached people become to their animals and treating them like family members. This is peculiar when the importance of health insurance is considered very high on the population's list of priorities; so we should do the same for our pets.

    It may at first sound like just another regular expense; pet owners soon learn how costly it is when they require treatment. We have all experienced the increases in vets' bills in recent years; to cater for this increase, pet insurance providers have increased they're premiums.

    The rising cost of protection is one point to consider but are there any others? The problem is that domestic animals are often more liable to be involved in an accident or become sick; usually when you least expect it something will happen to one of your animals.

    When a situation like this happens many people find themselves in an awkward position; you know that treating your animal will place financial strain on you.

    A few years back, my vet told me treatment for our dog would cost more than a thousand dollars; I have to admit to asking myself at the time if we could justify the expense. The problem is you really don't know if your pet is going to pull through; there are no guarantees as complications are not uncommon.

    The financial aspect of looking after a pet is something that must be considered carefully; these additional costs can place a person in debt. If you are experiencing money worries then raising additional finances can prove embarrassing.

    It may seem like you are making choices but it is not likely you would place yourself in a similar position. owners with affordable pet insurance do not have these concerns because they have whatever treatment they need. Vet bills could escalate but pet healthcare insurance policies are still the best option; for around 40 dollars (or Less) per month cost of medical care is assured.

    Various pet healthcare insurance options are available; perhaps to incorporate more than one pet on the same plan. A loving pet owner should really be thinking about the level of healthcare in place for their pet; perhaps the advice here will help you make the decision you have been agonizing over.

    Karel Micek is a veterinarien and pet health enthusiast and you can find more information about affordable pet insurance here:

    Article Source:

    Sunday, April 13, 2008

    Dealing With Obese Labrador Retrievers

    Labrador Retrievers are known to have hearty appetites and are often overfed causing weight to increase even above what is normal. Obesity is a major problem in people nowadays. It leads to the development of various diseases causing series of death to a number of people. Obese people, even those who are not, are spending time, effort and money to address this problem. The government is also active in battle against obesity.

    Obesity troubles not only people alone but also dogs. Yes, Fido is in danger! Obesity in dogs is a serious problem. Obese dogs are more prone to have high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory difficulties, diabetes mellitus, back and joint pain, hip dysplasia, heat intolerance and skin problems. These diseases contribute to the deterioration of your pet's health and can eventually shorten the lifespan.

    A pet is considered obese when he is 15-20% over his maximum weight for its breed. So if the normal weight for Labrador Retrievers is 60-75 lbs (27-34 kg), your dog's weight should not be over 20% higher than the normal. You can tell that your dog is obese by simply looking at it. But you can make sure if your dog is really obese by placing your hands on your pet's rib cage with your thumb on his back. If you feel the dog's rib easily without pressing too hard, then your pet is obese. You will also notice that the abdominal area behind the rib is wider than the chest when viewed from either side or above.

    There are lots of reasons why dogs gain weight. Dog owners should always remember that their dog's health largely depends on their hands. They should control the amount of food during mealtime. Instead of giving one full meal, better give several small meals a day to help in the digestion. Extra snack, treats, table scraps and high fat diets also contribute to your dog' obesity. Dogs who lack exercise and physical activities are more likely to become obese. The same to older dogs and dogs with orthopedic injuries because they are less active.

    Better consult your vet if you suspect that your dog is obese. Ask for suggestions on weight reduction plan and proper diet and what foods they should eat. It is also important to ask what and how much exercise your pet needs. Remember that too much exercise can also cause problem to your dog.

    Weight loss cannot be achieved over night. Just be consistent and be patient for soon you and your dog will reap your reward.

    About the author:
    Richard Cussons writes articles about Labrador Retrievers and other dog breeds. Discover tips on training Labradors at

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    Monday, April 07, 2008

    Loveable Small Dogs

    "Dogs are obsessed with being happy"

    --James Thurber

    People love small dogs - they are cute and adorable. They make wonderful and devoted companions and make good watchdogs. They are so popular because they are great lap dogs and loveable. They make great pets for people who live in RV's, small homes and apartments.

    There are many different breeds and they all have different temperaments and character tics. If you are thinking about getting a small dog breed, choose one that fits your lifestyle, living space, time you have to devote to him, and if have children their ages.

    The number of people having small dogs has risen according to the AKC. Their 2008 list shows the Yorkshire Terrier as number 2, outranking the German Shepherd.

    The Yorkie is classified as a toy breed and they love attention. These little dogs are brave, clever and want to please which is why they rank as number 2.

    Other popular small dogs are Daschund, Poodles, Shih Tzu, Chihuahuas, Beagles, Pugs, Pomeranians, Bichon Frise, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Maltese.

    Seniors love small dog breeds because they make great companions for them. Some of the most popular are:

    Miniature Schmauzer who enjoy being around people and are very affectionate.

    Shih Tzu is eager to please and like companionship of people.

    Chihuahuas are well suited to seniors because they bond with them and are protective of them.

    Small dogs that are good with children are:

    Boxers who are protective, patient, devoted babysitters, and love to play.

    Bulldogs are gentle, loving, devoted and make great playmates.

    "A dog is like an eternal Pete Pan, a child who never grows old and who therefore is always available to love and be loved."
    Aaron Katcher

    ~There is only one smartest dog in the world, and every boy has it. -Louis Sabin

    About the author:
    Sandy has a web site on small dog breeds with information on different breeds including pages on dogs good with children and the elderly, choosing a dog and breeder, vet, dog clothes, dog houses and much more.

    Article Source:

    Sunday, April 06, 2008

    Dog Obsessive Behavior - Barking Dog and Dog Whining

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    Cannot stop dog from barking? Perhaps you have tried every approach in the book prescribed to stop dog barking. Still, your Bonnie will NOT be quiet! On and on … You are truly worried that she may actually pass out. You have even considered having her debarked … but it seems so cruel.

    Bonnie barks hysterically and adds high pitched dog whining that is almost too much for human ears to bear. She does this at everything! … at people walking by, whether the blinds are open or not, at the rustle of leaves outside, any sound outside, dogs going by …. Why, she even barks at the slightest noise INSIDE the house. You cannot even talk on the telephone. She hates the ringing, the microwave sets her off, the toaster, the vacuum, the hair dryer. Scream!

    You have tried shouting at her. That does not work. You have tried locking her in a room. Does not work. You have tried taking away privileges. Does not work. You have tried the sweet approach: "Thanks, Bonnie. Hush now." Does not work. Is Bonnie's throat sore? You are not sure if it is sore, but your ears sure are!

    Is Bonnie bonkers? The good news is no. But she is driving her owners and the neighborhood nuts. How embarrassing to be the neighbor dog barking problem! Even worse, the neighbors are up in arms about the racket Bonnie makes, even to the point of readiness to file a lawsuit. You don't want to get rid of Bonnie, but you cannot afford a lawsuit, either.

    Now, you know right away that a medication is not likely in most cases to help a dog like Bonnie. You know that would almost certainly change her temperament and make her a bit nasty. Not a solution.

    What to do? Bonnie will need a good thirty minute run at a heel with you on a bike (or rollerblade, etc., unless you are a real runner). This will challenge her and drain her energy quickly.

    Feed Bonnie and give her fresh water after the run. She needs to feel that she has worked for her food. Be sure to let her cool off for at least ten-to-fifteen minutes before she is given any sustenance. Be sure to excersie her twice a day.

    Since Bonnie seems to bark at EVERYTHING, address and conquer one thing at a time. Claim the phone by standing in front of it while keeping eye contact with Bonnie. Keep your head and shoulders up with confidence. Have your feet about halfway between a military "at ease" and "Atten-hut!"

    Do this with all the items at which Bonnie barks. Giver her a firm "bite," a touch with two fingers on the neck, if she does not surrender the object (sit or lie down and look away). Say "Hey" firmly (no shouting) and point at her if she does not sit down in surrender. Stop what you are doing and address it right then and there.

    Keep it up and Bonnie will be quiet. No more barking dog! Ahhhhhh….

    About the author:
    Dog Obedience Trainer - Dog Behaviorist, Rena Murray, dares to tell it like it is! Growing up with the Horse Whisper, avid wolf pack studies, Pit Bull and other dog training, Rena solves "impossible" situations, e.g., teaching an old dog new tricks, solving dog dominance and dog destructive behavior, even stopping a Doberman attack in mid-launch! Available for Consultations, Rena blends the best of the Dog Whisper and other techniques to each specific situation and will bring fresh insight to yours. See Rena's Expert Articles and subscribe to her FREE Ezine at and comment on Rena's BLOG -

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    Friday, April 04, 2008

    Do you know how to make your dog happy from your care?

    In the past, dog became a companion animal with human. It can help people manage cattle, house and more. Besides, it is a good friend who can listen to you and it always stay behind you. If you really want your dog to live a long and happy life, there are several things you should do to ensure he stays fit and healthy. A dog doesn't need as much care as a small child or a baby would, but it does need regular care and attention to keep it healthy. Some dogs and breeds need more care than others, but generally dogs are easy-going, loyal creatures that enjoy human company.

    Your dog needs to have regular vaccinations and an identity tag. It's always better to check what your local laws require. In case your dog goes missing, the dog tag should be attached to the collar and have your name, address and contact phone number on it. Once you have brought your dog home, you will need to take it to the veterinarian for health checks and vaccinations on a regular basis.

    You must feed your dog regularly! Provide him with sufficient fresh water every day and enough healthy food for his size and breed type. Ensure that you are giving the amount and type of food required for your dog.

    It is very important to groom your dog. Try to bathe your dog once a month and keep his/her coat brushed and free from ticks and fleas. Dog's teeth are very important and care is required to keep them healthy. Dog's ears and eyes must also be cleaned regularly and watched for problems.

    You might also need to clip your dog's nails occasionally. Perhaps you don't have the time to carry out these tasks or feel confident enough to do them. You can always hire a dog groomer to groom your dog for you.

    Every dog needs plenty of exercise, and generally the bigger the dog, the more exercise it will need. If you don't have the time to exercise a dog, then perhaps a different kind of pet would be better for you. Not only is regular exercise good for your dog's health, but it also gives him the opportunity to enjoy your company. Dogs love company and like to be with their 'pack' as much as possible. Remember when walking your dog he should always be on a leash.

    Unless you are planning to breed from your dog, it is a good idea to get your dog spayed or neutered. Not only will this stop unwanted puppies, it will also give your dog a longer, healthier life.

    You may want to take your dog to obedience classes. This will enable you to socialize your dog and give you more time together. Dogs are loyal companions and want nothing more than to be with their owner, and to please him.

    About the author:
    Find pets and animals and more useful information about shopping services, travel at this Orange County business directory.

    Article Source:

    Thursday, April 03, 2008

    Dog barking - Secrets Revealed

    Dogs are wonderful companions and it is a great feeling when you come home after a long hard days of work and your best friend is happy to see you and lets you know it by wagging his tail and giving you lots of love. However what do you do if your dog has taken control of your household and does not listen? I have listed some ways on hot to control excessive dog barking so that you can create a lovable quiet environment.

    All dogs bark for a reason; unlike you or I they can not express themselves with words. You have to figure out why your dog is barking that is the first and foremost understanding on how to control your dog from barking. Dogs will bark for several reasons and some of them are boredom, wanting to play, guarding their surroundings, etc. Learning how to control excessive dog barking can be easy and if worked properly and consistently you can have a great relationship with your "best friend."

    Learn to teach your dog to bark on command: You can literally teach your dog to bark whenever you want him/her to bark. Whenever they bark and you do not want them to bark tell them to be quiet after several times of telling them that they will eventually learn that they are not supposed to bark at that given time.

    Positive reinforcements: Always give your dog positive treats when he does bark on command and when he becomes quiet when you tell him to. This will actually help strengthen the command and they will better understand that they are doing something correctly.

    Make them Wait: If they get overly excited when you get home from work and insist on attention right then and there. Do not give them attention right away. Make them wait until they are quiet and have settled down. If you have to turn your back towards them and they will eventually sit and be quiet then you can give them all the attention you desire. Many dogs will do this during "meal times" they will become overly excited because they are being fed. You can do the same thing and make them sit and wait until they have learned how to quiet down and then allow them to eat only after they have learned how to sit and wait quietly.

    Take your dog for a walk: Many owners do not give their dogs enough exercise and the dog stays bored. The easiest way to cure this is to take them for a walk for at least 30 minutes a day. This will tire him out and when he gets back home he will be more calm because you will have tired him out.

    The key to any training you attempt to instill whether it is barking, potty training or to stop chewing the key is consistency. Learn to do it everyday and make it become a new habit; dogs learn quick and before you know it they will be behaving the way you want them to. If you found these tips on how to control excessive dog barking helpful then visit our website below.

    Did you find these tips on How To Control Excessive Barking helpful? Get your FREE 6-part mini-course that will teach you little-known Dog Obedience Training Secrets to correcting dog behavior problems using REAL-LIFE scenarios.

    Article Source:

    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Solutions for Serious Dog Urine Problems

    Dogs are such lovable creatures. They can be such a happy companion. They can also be of big help in many ways. They are pets that have so much to offer. No wonder many families have dogs as house members.

    Yet, all these good things and more do have a downside. It is not all about the rewards of having a dog. There are also obligations and tasks that have to be done in a dog-care experience. One of these crucial obstacles is dealing with the dog urine.

    Dog urine is a serious problem for dog owners.

    Helpful Tips in Dealing with Dog Urine

    1. Train the dog as early as possible.

    Dogs that are kept outdoors will not be much of a problem inside the household. However, it is also crucial that the dog is trained to go only on a specific spot. This is to avoid making the whole garden or yard a restroom to your dog.

    Find a spot where people do not often go. This way the odor will be concentrated and will not spread to the rest of the yard. It is not fun to have an afternoon of barbecue with the smell of the urine taking over.

    For dogs that are kept indoors, especially the toy dogs, it is best to provide a litter box for them to use. Some owners who maintain the dog indoors still choose to let them go out when they need to soil or urinate. Both of these options will take some serious dog training. Anyhow, any effort will be worth it once the pet learns how to behave properly.

    2. Most dogs are also dependent on routines, especially the newly-trained ones. It is best to keep watch of the behavior of the dog when big changes happen in the household, like when repairs are done or someone moves in.

    3. Doggy diapers are also available in the market. However, the ones available are good only for male dogs.

    4. Always use an odor remover or cleaner to the places where the dog urinated or soiled. This is to avoid it from being marked as its territory. The dog will not help but return to the same spot if there will be any odor left.

    5. There are household items that can be used to remove the odor like using vinegar and water. This is being resourceful. However, to get the best solutions in the urine odor problem, purchase odor removing products from the market. Surely there is one available in the nearest grocery or pet shop. The internet community is also a good source to shop for some quality products.

    Compared to the water and vinegar, these products could leave a fresh scent for your household.

    6. There are also instances when the dog keeps urinating indoors despite training. This could be due to some spots where the dog urine had left some residue. These spots may however be beyond your capabilities to identify on your own.

    There are cleanup kits especially made for dog urine. They often come in packages that are able to clean the coverage of a big room. This is a good solution for serious dog urine problems.

    Tackling the serious problem of dog urine is really stressful. However, there are options to handle the situation. Know the options available. Make the experience of owning a dog a wonderful one.

    Michael Louis is a dog lover with a passion for knowledge who enjoys sharing his dog cleaning care secrets. Now that you know how to remove that bad odor, learn the secrets to house training your dog and stop this from happening again at

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