Saturday, September 29, 2007

Learn About Dog Eye Health - By Judy Wellsworth

Dogs for some reason tend to receive eye injuries more in some breeds than other breeds. Some other health problems of the eye contribute to irritations of the eye and may require medical attention before the problem affects the dogs sight. Dogs have problems with conjunctivitis and other eyes problems.

Red eyes, swollen eyes and weepy eyes are signs of something wrong and should be checked by your veterinarian to determine if is caused by an allergy or a more serious health problem such as conjunctivitis. The problem may also be the result of an injury if the dog plays with other dogs or cats with claws. If the dog has conjunctivitis, itching the eye by the dog may irate the eyes even more. Viruses, allergies, bacterial and parasites can cause conjunctivitis in the dog.

Sometime this problem accompanies another infection such as a respiratory problem. Diagnosis by your vet should confirm the type of eye infection and follow up with an antibiotic as long as there is no other underlying problem. Conjunctivitis is contagious and needs immediate care before spreading the infection to other dogs.

Dog Eye Health and Keratoconjunctivitis SiccaInsufficient fluid in the tear film results in keratoconjunctivitis sicca and produces thick mucus that has a thin coat over the eye in some cases. Treatments for this problem are a stimulant and an anti-inflammatory reducer. Your vet will be able to diagnosis this problem without expensive tests in most cases.

Dog Eye Health Chronic Superficial Keratitis
The common name for this condition is degenerative pannus, which normally affects German Shepherds. Some other dog breed suffers this condition although this is very rare. The superficial blood vessels and pigmentation of the eye are affected when this health problem exists. Although not painful for the dog, left untreated loss of vision will occur.

Dog Eye Health Cherry Eye and Swelling of the EyelidsParasites, bacterial, dermatitis, neoplasia and viruses can cause inflammation to the eye. This may be caused by the sun, metabolic disease or trauma. Treatment varies depending on the condition and the severity. A prolaspe of the third eyelid gland is Cherry eye, which is not serious. Pekinese, Beagles and Cocker Spaniels seem to be prone to Cherry eye more than other breeds of dogs. Treatment for this condition is removal of the gland involved.

Dog Eye Health Queratitis
This condition is an inflammation to the eye, specifically the cornea, caused by a scrape or scratch, bacterial or a virus. To prevent an ulcer the infection needs immediate attention. Do not try to treat this condition yourself as more damage could result from improper medications such as eye drops.

Eyes need to be cleaned daily to ensure that any foreign objects or dirt which can irritate the eye. Most breeds of dogs can produce tears to rid the eye from these things, but the Cocker Spaniel breed does not have enough tear secretion to clean the eye by itself, so help is needed.
You can also find more info on dog licking problem and health problems in older dog. is a comprehensive resource to help dog owners identify their dog's illness symptoms and treatment options.

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

What If Your Dog Has Cancer? - By M. Bruno

Cancer in dogs is more common that many people would trend to believe. Studies indicate that that approximately 25% of dogs will contract cancer at some time in their life and that almost 50% of all dogs older than the age of ten years will die of cancer

If your dog contracts cancer, the affected areas can include but are not limited to the skin, organs, bone and organs. Cancer in your dog may progress gradually or with rapidity.

The good news is that treatments exist for cancer in dogs . While canine cancer can be fatal it is not necessarily a death sentence. The first thing you must do is determine if in fact your dog does have cancer.

There are ten common symptoms of cancer in dogs, taken primarily from the American Veterinary Medical Association, these are:

• Unusual swelling that either remains or grows

• Sores which will not heal

• A loss of weight in your dog

• Discharge or bleeding from an opening on your dog’s body

• Bad breath or offensive odor that emits from your dog

• Trouble eating food or swallowing

• A loss of interest in exercise or a loss of stamina

• Lameness in your dog or evidence of stiffness

• Trouble with urination, defecating or breathing

If you detect any of these symptoms in your dog. Don’t panic. Taken individually, theses canine symptoms may be indicative of something that is not cancer and may not be serious at all. Make an appointment with your veterinarian for an exam for your dog. If cancer is the problem, he will help you develop a treatment plan. If canine cancer is not the cause, your vet may prescribe a remedy to alleviate and heal the condition.

Cause of Cancer in Dogs

There are various causes of cancer in dogs. The National Canine Cancer Foundation says that cancer can be attributed to factors such as excessive exposure to carcinogenic agents which include chemicals.

We believe that this should be a cause of concern for any dog parent who regularly feeds commercial dog food to their dog as carcinogens have been discovered to exist in some popular dog food brands. You can find out what is in the dog food you use at Other causes of canine cancer include viral infections and UV or X irradiation.

What is the Best Cancer Treatment for My Dog?

Because there are different types of cancers, there are different treatments prescribed be veterinary oncologists. The success of treating cancer in your dog hinges on a number of factors. Some of those factors are early detection and diagnoses of the cancer by your veterinarian, and the specific treatment recommended and used in your dog’s battle against canine cancer.

Early detection may include your vet doing a biopsy, some X-rays and consulting with an expert in canine radiology to review the results. If cancer is diagnosed, your vet may recommend surgery or refer you to a canine oncologist.

Your best chances for success often depend upon early diagnosis of canine cancer. This is true because in early stages of cancer in dogs there is less likelihood of the cancer having spread to a point where treatment becomes unproductive.

Once an early diagnosis of canine cancer has been confirmed, your veterinary oncologist may suggest a variety of treatment options such as drugs, surgery and/or radiation.

If your dog has been generally healthy, she deserves a chance to live the balance of her life feeling as well as possible for as long a time as possible. If you can extend the life of your 13 year old terrier by a few years, and provide a good quality of life to your dog as a result of canine cancer treatment, your persistence in helping your dog will have been rewarded.

My small 8 year old dog suddenly became ill and no vet could determine the cause. She died after enduring 2 weeks of pain and misery on Mother’s Day morning. Learn how to keep your dog healthy, extend her life and save on veterinary bills at

This article may be reprinted with the author's link displayed.

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