Sunday, July 22, 2007

How to Train a Dog Quickly By Lee Bastien

Numerous dog owners are in search of a rapid answer to how to train a dog quickly. For such an urging requirement there are not too many answers, since by “quickly” we don’t mean hours or days but at least a couple of weeks. When thinking about how to train a dog quickly you probably also need to know that it is absolutely necessary to practice with the dog as much as possible for the skills to actually develop. Training sessions should be between 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Don’t be aggressive and make sure you and your dog are having fun. But while training makes sure you are the park leader as your dog will respect and obey you more. Remember dogs are not human so don’t treat them like one. Otherwise, training may prove highly ineffectively. Those who want to find out how to train a dog quickly should first turn to special training centers or guides, books or courses.

Intensive practice is the first rule when you learn how to train a dog quickly. For example, when you need to get your dog’s attention, establish eye contact with it. Use a piece of meat out of the dog’s reach. Reward the dog only when it responds to the name or the stimulus and looks at you. If you really want to learn how to train a dog quickly, you need to set rules, boundaries and limitations.

Make the dog play by your rules all the time. Always be calm-assertive as you are always the leader of the pack. You’ll have to spend constant periods of time together applying the newly-learned stuff.

If the dog shows signs of fatigue then have it to take a rest, there’s no need to exhaust the dog. Think of it this way when someone is tired it is hard for that person to concentrate which means learning under such circumstances is ineffective. It may even be injurious to insist to train a dog quickly.

Don’t forget that there are plenty of guide books and videos on how to train a dog quickly, and they all mention the need to do everything in the most relaxed way possible, so that neither you nor the animal feel pressure of any kind. It should take at least a week before a skill is developed and only with continuous exercise it will become permanent.

Once you learn the best way to trigger correct responses from your dog practice it so it becomes normal to you. You can choose to train your dog at home or in a training center, but whichever option you choose, make sure you are actively involved. Remember you are the leader and have fun.

L. Bastien

For those who want to learn how to train a dog quickly the following site may be of great help. "Did you find those tips on How to Train a Dog Quickly useful? You can learn a lot more on how to train your dog. Dog Training Tips

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Taking Your Arthritic Dog To The Vet By David Silva

If your dog suffers from morning stiffness, has trouble climbing the stairs, and appears to be less active now that he's getting older, it may be that he's suffering from arthritis. Even if he exhibits only one of these traits, it's time to get your dog in to see the vet. Here's what to expect on your first visit.

Your vet will begin with a full visual and physical examination of your dog. The doctor will check your dog's body for swollen lymph nodes, listen to his heart and lungs, and check your dog's ears and skin. Like any general physical exam of your dog, your vet will also inspect the dog's gums and eyes.

After this initial examination, your vet will look for any easily detectable signs of arthritis, beginning with the spine, limbs and neck. A series of range of motion tests will check your dog's flexibility. This process will help uncover any old injuries, any problems with the ligaments, and any obvious arthritic symptoms. It will also help uncover any fever, bacteremia, posture, gait, and signs of inflammation.

Assuming your dog displays signs of arthritis, the next step in the process will be to learn more through some diagnostic testing. This will likely involve drawing blood first. With some relatively simple blood analysis, the vet will be able to determine if your dog is allergic to the anesthesia required to take X-rays (the next step in diagnostics), and will also be able to make sure there isn't anything else going on inside your dog that might not be obvious. Finally, the vet will want to use the results of the blood tests as a baseline for future testing to make sure the arthritis drug therapy is effective.

X-rays will help the vet detect the presence of arthritis in your dog and help determine the seriousness of the disease. To position your dog properly for the radiographs, most likely he'll need to be sedated. X-rays can also detect any fractures or cancers that might be the underlying cause of your dog's arthritis symptoms.

If it is determined that your dog has arthritis, the next step in the process is to design a treatment approach. New medications are now available that can dramatically assist your dog in leading a healthy and pain-free life. However, all dogs react differently to medications. Therefore, your vet will likely recommend a series of treatment trials. This simply means your dog will be given several medications on a trial basis to see which is most effective.

It's always difficult to see your dog suffering with the pain of arthritis. But it doesn't have to be that way. A trip to the vet can quickly determine whether or not arthritis is the culprit, and if it is, a treatment program to alleviate your dog's pain can be started right away.

David Silva is webmaster of About Arthritis Today, a website dedicated to disseminating valuable information on the symptoms, treatments, and many forms of arthritis.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Guide For Canine Pain Relief By Steve Madigan

We have all heard the expression that "dogs are man's best friend." This is because when you need him or her they are there for you, always wanting to help and with a happy attitude. They are always happy to see you and be with you. Dogs are the number 1 choice of pet owners because they are faithful, loving and extremely smart.

While the dog provides us with many pleasures and happiness through the years they have one thing in common with us. They are getting older with each year and will need pain relief, just like we do. Here are some of the problems that a dog will face as he or she get older and some common canine pain relief.

Common Canine Disorders

The first thing you may notice is arthritis. A dog will need arthritis pain relief, just like we do. Canine arthritis pain relief can be avoided by making sure your dog receives the correct vitamins and supplements as well as any drugs needed for pain relief.

Natural treatments for pain relief for your canine are probably the best option. There are no side effects and your canine can continue to do their daily activities

Prescribed canine pain relief such as antibiotics will help temporarily relieve pain, but the side effects may cause damage to the joints and other parts of your dog's body such as the kidneys, stomach and digestive system.

Natural Canine Pain Relief Treatments

The most common natural pain relief for dogs is acupuncture, just the same as we get as humans. Acupuncture pain relief works with your dog's immune system to boost and stimulate it from within in order to ease the pain.

You must understand if you decide to use acupuncture for pain relief for you dog, this will not happen in one session and you must plan on more than one session and possibly some herbal pain relief to go along with the acupuncture. The herbal pain relief will complement the acupuncture therapy.

Other natural canine pain relief is: herbal Glucosamine blend, which is administered to humans who suffer from arthritis pain. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, MSM, as well as vitamin C.

Another Helpful Tip

Canine pain relief can be eased by exercise and a balanced diet to keep the muscles and bones strong. Regular check ups at the vet will warn you if you need a special diet or add vitamins to the dog’s diet to avoid putting your dog in pain at all.

Every stage in your dog's life is the same as in humans. It requires special care and treatment. Your vet can guide you to what is necessary. If your animal does require some type of canine pain relief, your vet will know what to do at the different age and stages in your animal’s life.

For more information on pain relief for dogs or other pain relief topics visit: Canine Pain Relief

If you are interested in other topics visits: Boost My Metabolism or maybe chronic tendonitis pain relief

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Use Homemade Dog Treat Recipes For Dogs With Allergies- By Todd Jones

Utilizing homemade dog treat recipes may be the best alternative to dog owners whose pet has severe allergies. Although some dogs have no food allergies as all there are many dogs that are either severely allergic to one or two specific ingredients and other dogs have allergies to many ingredients. Buying dog treats for dogs with allergies can be a difficult task.

You have to examine the labels carefully to ensure that you the dog treats do not contain any ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction in your dog. This can be difficult because sometimes it is hard to determine what is included in the dog treat and there may be derivatives of the ingredient that your dog is allergic to that can be hard to identify.

Homemade dog treat recipes are one of the safest ways to provide treats to dogs with allergies. When you use homemade dog treat recipes you are cognizant of each and every ingredient that goes into your homemade treats.

You can modify the homemade dog treat recipes to exclude any ingredients that your dog is allergic to or you can find homemade dog treat recipes that do not include these ingredients in the first place.

Todd runs a website where you can find all sorts of homemade dog treat recipes. Over 140 homemade dog treat recipes available at:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Should You Buy Pet Insurance? By Adam Jaylin

Getting a pet insurance is perhaps a moot point and is taken differently by various people. Ere, pet insurance seemed like an unwanted policy that was considered to be a tactic of the insurance agencies to mint money out from your pocket. But it could be really beneficial for you if you are too much concerned (that includes most of us) about your pet.

The treatment of a pet amounts to a big sum of money that is tough to gather every time. Instead, pet insurance has come for your rescue because it bails you out from overburdening yourself with undue treatment expenses.

Generally, pet insurance covers all of your pets expenses that can arise due to any ailment that is suffered by your pet. There are various covers that are provided by the various companies in relation to the health of your pet, or in case of the theft, or the death of the pet, your pet is also replaced with a new one.

The foremost benefit of this insurance is the medical cover that is provided by the insurance agencies. Before you go for your pet insurance, you must read the terms and conditions that are provided by the insurance agencies.

The pet insurance, like all insurances depends on the health and the age of your pet. The more the age of your pet be, the more would be the surcharge on it. Some insurance companies don't provide any pet insurance for a dog who is 9 years old. But the procedure again depends on the health of your pet.

You can search the Internet for different pet insurance covers and the policies, in order to find the best insurance policy for your pet. Online insurance enables you to find different companies and their rates and they can thus compare and decide on the best deal.

So, gift your pet an insurance truly deserves it for it fills your life with its pure love that is priceless!!

Adam is a marketing expert who brings relevant information through articles.

Pet Insurance
Cheap Insurance

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Arthritis in Pets By Michael Russell

Arthritis occurs when the joint surfaces which are supposed to glide over each other become rough as they rub together. The joint cartilage, which aids smooth movement of the joint, decreases it's lubrication and deteriorates, thus making movement more difficult and often painful. Pets are just as susceptible to arthritis as humans.

Have you noticed your pet moving at a slower pace? Does your dog have trouble jumping about and running around? Does it take several small jumps rather than a single leap for your cat to reach the counter? If your pet is having difficulty in performing these routine movements and has reduced mobility, chances are he may be suffering from arthritis.

Arthritis in pets, as in humans, can greatly affect your pet's health and well being. With the onset of this Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), your playful and active pet can quickly turn listless and pain ridden. This disease usually affects larger breeds of dogs, like retrievers, but it can also occur in cats. Approximately 30% of family pets suffer from arthritis. The stiffness, pain and swelling in a pet with arthritis is the same as what most human being would experience.

The cause of arthritis in pets is often different from that in people. While arthritis commonly accompanies old age in humans, dog and cat arthritis is often caused by direct injury to a joint. More old dogs and cats have arthritis than young ones, not because they are old, but because degeneration of the bones worsens over time. It occurs in large dogs more often than in cats and small dogs since the animal's weight is primarily stressed on the joints.

Also, the common causes of arthritis, such as hip and elbow dysplasia and other common bone problems, are usually diseases of large, fast-growing dogs. Arthritis, however, does occur in small dogs and cats as well. In the US, an estimate of 20% of cats suffer from arthritis.

Pets can't discuss their pains outright. So how do we know our pet is a victim of this joint disease? Some signs that you should be mindful of are the following: change of personality, being inactive at play, lagging behind on walks, reluctance to jump or climb stairs, difficulty of rising from a resting position, limping and yelping in pain when touched. If you notice some of these signs, have your veterinarian diagnose the condition of your pet with an X-ray.

If your pet is diagnosed with arthritis, don't panic! The good news is, there are plenty of remedies to alleviate the pain. An effective treatment duo to best relieve arthritis pain includes pain medication and weight loss. Common pain medications are analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They revive the spirits of the pets by removing their pain, allowing pets to move easily and to exercise. Exercise, in turn, corrects the alignment of the joints which lets them experience less pain. A veterinarian's prescription is necessary to determine the exact dosage for your pet. Some veterinarians recommend Omega 3 fatty acids to protect the heart, kidney and liver.

Many veterinarians recommend using supplements that protect the cartilage. Such supplement is termed as chondroprotective. It not only nourishes the cartilage but it also help pets with arthritis experience less pain. The second part of the double treatment is weight loss. Pet owners should help control their pet's food intake. Studies show that when overweight pets lose weight, their pain significantly decreases.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Arthritis
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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Dog Ear Infections Diagnosed By James Theiss

Dog ear infections are also commonly called Otitis Externa. It is an infection of the outer ear canal. There are three parts to the ear; the outer, the middle, and the inner ear. Ninety percent of infections occur in the outer ear, the part of the ear that you can see.

Dogs are prone to ear infections because of the anatomy of their ears. They have a horizontal and a vertical component to them, so it is hard for anything in there to drain out, like water or debris.

Signs of an ear infection include excessive head shaking, yellow to brown oozing in the ears, or a yeast-like smell. Additional signs of ear infections include redness and swelling.

There are several causes of ear infections. The most common cause of ear infections are due to allergies. Some dogs are more prone to allergies than others; therefore they get more ear infections.

Another common cause is swimming. They get water inside their ears, and because of their difficult anatomy, the water in the ears cannot drain out. Therefore, this provides the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast to grow. It is recommended that if you let your dog play in the water, you dry your dog's ears thoroughly afterwards.

If your dog does have an ear infection it is important to properly clean your dog's ears before applying any medication.

To clean your dog's ears, start by placing a few drops of an ear cleanser into the ear and massage the ear to help loosen any debris that is in there. Then use a cloth or cotton gauze to wipe the dirt out.

After your dog's ears are thoroughly clean, you can then apply your medication. Follow your veterinarian's advice about how much medication to apply to the ear, usually a few drops.

The treatment your veterinarian will prescribe will vary depending on the cause of the ear infection. For yeast infections, they might prescribe anti-fungal medication. For bacterial infections they will probably prescribe antibiotics. Normally, treatment is applied directly into the ears, but in severe cases systemic treatment may be needed. This usually means having to give your dog pills orally.

In some dogs with severe ear problems, the veterinarian will usually clip the hair around the ear to help let more air into the ear. In extreme cases your veterinarian may recommend surgery to reconstruct the ear canal to let it drain easier.

Some breeds of dogs that are prone to ear infections include breeds with large ears that flap over the ear canal, and breeds of dogs that have a very small canal.

By knowing what to look for, you can detect ear infections early.

You can download the free ebook "Discover the Secrets to a Healthy Dog" at It's a premiere website offering quality articles and products for dog owners.

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Dog Nail Care By Alison Cole

Dogs cannot be tamed without proper knowledge. They have many peculiar ways of showing their discomfort. A healthy dog is liked by one and all. To have a healthy dog one has to patiently handle all its basic necessities. To know the basic necessities, one has to improve their knowledge about dogs.

Dogs to be tamed should be taken care of properly. Its nails are also an important part of its body. Trimming of dog’s nails is essential. White nails can be easily trimmed. A dog with black nails cannot be trimmed easily. If one is unable to trim, they have to go to veterinary doctor or to groomers who will do the work efficiently. Nail cutting should be done on a regular basis, or else dogs may refrain from letting one cut their nails.

Dogs have long nails. Some dogs do not like their nails trimmed. The nails of a dog should not touch the ground. The noise of nails scratching the floor is a sign for the dogs to undergo nail trimming. There are certain differences in certain dogs. Dogs walking on hard surfaces have a habit of maintaining their nails.

Longhaired dog nails should be trimmed very carefully with trimmers. In the same manner hairs at the bottom of the foot should be removed, as it is necessary for them to have a grip on the floor. Soft nail clips can be put to dog’s paws so that it does not hurt human beings skin. Dogs are very sensitive and so to avoid them from getting infected these nails are put on.

Dogs are very sensitive and so they get irritated and inflamed very quickly. Utmost care has to be taken to keep it healthy. Healthy can be maintained only with regular attention. Every part of the body has to be taken care of from the puppy stage. A periodical checkup with a veterinary doctor will help one to maintain the fitness of a dog.

Dog Care provides detailed information on Dog Care, Dog Day Care, Dog Dental Care, Dog Ear Care and more. Dog Care is affiliated with Large Dog Beds .

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