Monday, April 30, 2007

Pitbulls For Sale- By Kent Pinkerton

Selling pit bulls is becoming more difficult, given the current spate of bad press against the dogs' violent outbursts. Owners want to get rid of their pets. Add to that the fact that pit bull breeders and kennels report a surplus, and the supply of pit bulls continues to be greater than the demand.

Pit bull kennels have their own websites through which they make sales. People who wish to buy pit bulls register on these sites and get updates from time to time. Those wishing to sell their pit bulls advertise in classifieds online or in newspapers.

While placing an advertisement to sell a pit bull, it is necessary to mention size and build and color as well as specific physical details like patches on fur and color of nose and eyes.

Sellers also mention their pit bulls' temperaments. Usually words like sociable, child-friendly, people-friendly, aggressive are used. Pedigreed animals definitely find a mention of their lineages and even pictures of them if possible. Naturally, they demand much higher prices than mongrels. It is very essential to mention whether the dog has papers or not. Similarly, it is necessary to state whether the dog has had its shots.

The favorites appear to be blue-nosed pit bulls, as well as silver and merle-colored pit bulls. A blue nosed pit bull may fetch as much as $1000 or more. In fact, pit bull breeders sometimes breed pit bulls for their color or for other traits such as aggressiveness or width and girth. Such custom-bred pit bulls are sold for higher prices.

The average asking price for a normal pit bull is a couple of hundred dollars. Puppies are more expensive than adults as they are more in demand. People also breed their female dogs with hired studs from kennels and then sell the puppies in the market. This is called as backyard breeding. Some adult pit bulls are available for even as low as $50.

Pitbulls provides detailed information about pitbulls, pitbull breeders, pitbull kennels, pitbull puppies and more. Pitbulls is the sister site of Dog Fleas.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat By Louise Louis

1. What is heat?

Heat is more properly called the estrous cycle. During this cycle, female dogs may get pregnant. It’s equivalent to human menstruation.

2. What are the symptoms?

Females bleed from the vagina sometimes with swelling of the vulva and increased urination. Don’t expect bleeding comparable to a human female.

For small dogs, it’s usually not much and you may need to pay close attention to your puppy to identify her first cycle. Other than the bleeding, the most noticeable symptom may be male dogs hanging around your house.

3. When does a dog come into heat?

The average female dog has her first cycle about six months of age. A few dogs start earlier and few dogs later, even as late as 14-months.

If you have a new female puppy, you should watch her and note when she has her first cycle. If she’s 14-months old and still hasn't’t been in heat, you should take her to a veterinarian.

4. How long does the heat cycle last?

The average is three weeks or 21-days. In some dogs, it lasts only two weeks while others go four weeks.

5. How often will she be in heat?

Most female dogs have regular cycles usually every six to eight months. It’s quite typical to be in heat twice a year.

6. When can she get pregnant?

She can get pregnant only when in heat. Some breeders test for progesterone levels to identify the most fertile days but the rule-of-thumb is that the most fertile days are 11-15 of her cycle.

Note – when she’s in heat, the average dog will permit any male dog to mount her. Few females, however, will accept a male when they’re not in heat.

7. Can she get pregnant her first cycle?

Yes. However, responsible breeders generally would not breed a dog that early. For one thing, you need to do genetic testing and some serious problems such as hip conditions do not show up until a dog is approximately 2-years of age.

8. Can I take her on walks during this cycle?

Yes with care. She has no problem with the exercise but she’s a walking magnet for male dogs.

Even the best trained and behaved female dog will succumb to hormones. You can’t trust her off a leash or out of your control. Never let her outside by herself even in a fenced yard if there is any possibility of male dogs nearby.

For walks, if there are male dogs in your neighborhood, it’s a good idea to take your dog in your car and drive to a remote area. Take her for the walk there and drive back home. Otherwise, the scent of her urine and vaginal discharge will blaze a trail to your home.

9. When I can have her spayed?

The answer to that one has changed continually over the 25-years I’ve been in the dog business. People used to be told to let their dog go through at least one cycle or let them have one litter.

Today, veterinarians are doing it much earlier. Some vets spay as early as 6-weeks of age! Talk to your veterinarian about your dog and the vet’s preferences. The state of veterinary medicine also is much improved over the past 25-years.

10. If I don’t have her spayed, will she go through menopause.

No. Her fertility may decline but she will not go through menopause comparable to a human’s. She won’t lose her ability to become pregnant even as a senior so if you don’t want to her to have any (or more) litters, she must be spayed.

Louise Louis is a certified canine specialist and the creator of, your online resource for Toy breed dogs.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Common Dog Ear Problems by Kristi Patrice Carter

A healthy dog is a wonderful thing. A dog is the perfect combination of loyalty, intelligence, willingness to please, ferocity when needed, gentleness and compassion. Dogs protect us, guide us, and perhaps most importantly, provide loving, unconditional companionship. Yes, a dog is a wonderful friend to have. Since dogs are so great for humans, the least we could do in return is everything possible to keep our furry, four-footed friends healthy. To that end, you should know your dog's usual level of energy and how much he tends to scratch normally. If your dog seems to be moping around, scratching or rubbing his ear, tilting his head, or if you notice his ear is reddened, warm to the touch, swollen, producing discharge, emitting a foul odor, or losing fur, he may have an ear infection.

There are several different problems a dog could have with his ear. The anatomy of a dog's ear, with its long, horizontal inner ear structure, is hospitable to bacterial and fungal infections. Not only is the inner ear warm and hairy, but the horizontal shape of the ear canal does not allow moisture to drain efficiently. Also, dogs often have floppy ears covered by an outer flap, which doesn't allow air circulation. It's not at all unusual for dogs to get ear infections, particularly in breeds that love swimming. Infections could be bacterial or fungal, and the treatment needs to be specific to the cause. Antibiotics will not help a fungal infection, while fungicides do nothing to alleviate bacterial infections. See your vet for a diagnosis, and follow the prescribed treatment to the letter.

Another common problem in dog ears is the mite. This teeny parasite will set up a colony and make your dog extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, mites are relatively easy to eradicate. And, unlike fungus, having mites does not make your dog more likely to get them again. When they're gone, your dog has no more chance of getting mites than before.

A common ear problem for outdoor, very active dogs is getting foreign objects stuck in the canal. A piece of grass, with its rough texture, can become securely lodged in the ear and irritate the tender tissue inside. Your dog will scratch his ear and shake his head in an attempt to dislodge the object. If the ear is scratched too much, and the skin is broken, a bacterial infection may result. As soon as you notice your dog showing signs of discomfort, examine the ear yourself. If you are unable to locate the source of the problem, take him to the vet. Never attempt to dig out an object yourself with an implement. If you can pull out a piece of grass with your fingers, do it. But if it looks any more complicated than that, please see a vet.

Dogs' ears are susceptible to problems, but you can prevent and cure them easily if you are a conscientious, observant dog owner.

For additional information on how to keep your dog healthy and happy, please visit, a website that features helpful dog-related articles, information, resources, and E-books for health-conscious and loving dog owners who want the best for their canine companion. Learn more about Dog Ear Yeast Infection

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dog Heartworm Disease & Prevention By Brent Goodman

Heartworm disease is a dangerous, but completely preventable infection where parasitic worms grow inside the chambers of your pet's heart and large blood vessels of the lungs. Left undetected, the disease can become serious and even result in death as worms eventually block blood flow to the heart and lungs. That's why heartworm prevention and early detection are so important.

Is my pet at risk of getting heartworm?

If not prevented with prescription heartworm medicine, yes. Heartworm cases have been reported in all of the lower 48 states, dispelling the old notion the disease occurred only in southern states. Your pet needs heartworm protection no matter where you live. Heartworm disease is most common in dogs, cats, and ferrets.

How could my pet get heartworms?

Pets get heartworm disease from being bitten by a mosquito that has previously bitten another infected animal in your area. Mosquitoes transmit the parasites directly from bloodstream to bloodstream. It takes from three to five months for the heartworm larvae to migrate toward the heart, where they begin to grow into reproducing adults. Some have reached lengths of up to 14 inches.

So how can I help prevent my pet from getting heartworm?

Veterinarians recommend a 3-part program as your best defense. A complete heartworm prevention program consists of having your veterinarian test your pet regularly for heartworm, giving your pet preventive heartworm medications as prescribed by your veterinarian, and reducing your pet's exposure to mosquitoes in the first place.

There are mosquito repellents made especially for dogs that can help prevent mosquito bites, which can help prevent heartworm disease as well as West Nile Virus, another very serious condition spread by mosquitoes.

How long should my heartworm prevention program last? It's safest to keep up with your medications all year round so your pet's body is always protected against the parasite.

Are there risks associated with giving my pet a heartworm preventive? As with any medicines there is a very small health risk with heartworm preventives. In over 23 years of practice, I have never dealt with such a case. The benefit of heartworm prevention, however, far exceeds the slight risk. If your pet is not on a heartworm preventive year round, we recommend having your pet tested by your veterinarian before starting on a heartworm preventive.

If my pet does get heartworm, what are the warning signs I should watch for? Dogs with heartworm infections may show a cough, decreased appetite, weight loss, an inability to exercise, and general listlessness. In addition, cats also may exhibit breathing problems, vomiting, blindness, and seizures. You know your pet's personality best, so if you notice marked changes including these signs, you should take your pet in for testing as soon as possible.

Protect your pets year round... learn more about Heartworm Disease and Prevention.

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Brent Goodman - EzineArticles Expert Author

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