Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Potty Training An Older Dog - 7 Practical Tips By Tim Lee

While some people prefer getting cute, huggable, and adorable puppies, other people like getting a full grown dog instead. Older dogs tend to be more mature and perhaps better companions, the best friend that a human would need.

However, some people have qualms about getting an older dog because of the common notion that people cannot teach old dogs new tricks, especially potty training. But this is not actually the case, older dogs can still be potty trained with some important things in mind.

Here are some tips for potty training an older dog:

1. When potty training an older dog, your focus should be teaching the dog to eliminate outside, instead of teaching it not to eliminate inside. It is easier to teach an older dog to DO something instead of NOT DOING something.

If the dog already has an old habit of doing it inside, it would be hard to focus too much on eliminating that habit. It is rather easier to help it learn a better alternative to an old bad behavior.

2. Select a spot where you want the dog to do its business, such as a small corner in the lawn. It would be easier to potty train an older dog, if you are consistent about where you want it to poop. Going to the same place, over and over again, would help the dog learn the right place faster. It also helps if you do not clean the spot much until your dog learns to go there when it needs to go potty.

3. Use the same words in referring to potty. An older dog might get confused if you use different phrases to mean the same thing. When you want it to go potty, use the exact same phrase so that it would somehow become like a command to do the behavior you want it to do.

4. Remove every trace of potty accident inside the house. Dogs' sense of smell are very keen and the smell of urine or excrement in your house might make it think that it is the place to go potty. Use a deodorizing cleaning solution to eliminate odors that might stick to your floors and carpets.

5. Keep your dog's sleeping area as tight as comfortably possible. Dogs do not want potty in their sleeping quarters and by keeping the area just enough for it to sleep and, maybe, turn around, there would be no space for it to go potty. Ever morning, when the dog wakes up, take it to its regular potty place so that it would do its business there.

6. Lessen your dog's food and water intake before it sleeps. This prevents accidents from happening because when your dog is full of water or food while sleeping, it might not have the capacity to control the call of nature.

7. Make it easy for your dog to go outside through a doggie door or leaving the back door open. If this is impractical in your area, leave a bell for your dog to reach. Take the dog out each time it rings the bell so that it would know that ringing is a signal for going out.

Whoever says you cannot teach your older dog new tricks might just be too lazy. Potty training an older dog is indeed possible if you know these tips and if you just have the right amount of patience.

For step-by-step training instructions you can learn immediately, please visit http://www.dog-training-techniques.info/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Lee

Friday, February 23, 2007

Choosing A Unique Dog Name - Andrew Strachan

If you are thinking of getting a new puppy or if you have just bought a dog, it's probably getting to the stage where you are trying to think of a unique name for your new pet. Thinking of a unique name for your dog can be quite difficult, especially when you are not feeling very creative.

When you choose a name, it's important to choose a good one as that name will be with your dog for life. You don't want to give a big strong male dog a cutsie name or similarly a male name to a delicate female dog. To help you get those creative juices flowing and think of a name for your dog, we have a few pointers that may help.

The main thing to consider when tyrying to choose a unique name for your dog, is whether your dog will be able to distinguish his or her name from your normal everyday commands. If you think about it for a moment, calling your dog 'Joe' or 'Boe' may very well confuse your pet when your actually trying to say 'NO'. Other similar sounds are 'Sit', 'Stay', 'Fetch', 'Down' etc.

Try and choose a unique name that is easy for your dog to pick up on. Usually one or two syllabul words are easier to distinguish from background noise especially when your dog gets hard of hearing. Another point to consider when choosing a name, is whether you would feel comfortable calling your dog at the top of your voice in the middle of a crowded park. Novelty names may sound appealing at first but can leave you feeling embarrassed or even worse, unwilling to call your dog when out in public.

Sometimes, waiting a few days after getting your new dog before choosing your unique name can make the process much easier. The reason for this, is that you may pick up on little characteristics of your new dog that will give you some inspiration. If your new puppy loves to steal things and hide them in their bed, how about 'Sinbad'? Maybe your new dog is a brave little soul and has the strength and character of a lion, maybe 'Leo' would suit your new dog.

Another great source of unique dog names, is from books and television. Do you have a favourite cartoon character or a favourite childhood hero? There are literally hundreds of possibilities.

Choosing a unique dog name can be a lot of fun and will endow your dog with a new identity within your family. Take a little time and do a bit of research and you will soon find the perfect name for your new pet.

Article By Andrew Strachan. Find lots more information about dogs names and different types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com Lots of help and advice too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Choosing A Unique Dog Name By Andrew Strachan

If you are thinking of getting a new puppy or if you have just bought a dog, it's probably getting to the stage where you are trying to think of a unique name for your new pet. Thinking of a unique name for your dog can be quite difficult, especially when you are not feeling very creative.

When you choose a name, it's important to choose a good one as that name will be with your dog for life. You don't want to give a big strong male dog a cutsie name or similarly a male name to a delicate female dog. To help you get those creative juices flowing and think of a name for your dog, we have a few pointers that may help.

The main thing to consider when tyrying to choose a unique name for your dog, is whether your dog will be able to distinguish his or her name from your normal everyday commands. If you think about it for a moment, calling your dog 'Joe' or 'Boe' may very well confuse your pet when your actually trying to say 'NO'. Other similar sounds are 'Sit', 'Stay', 'Fetch', 'Down' etc.

Try and choose a unique name that is easy for your dog to pick up on. Usually one or two syllabul words are easier to distinguish from background noise especially when your dog gets hard of hearing. Another point to consider when choosing a name, is whether you would feel comfortable calling your dog at the top of your voice in the middle of a crowded park. Novelty names may sound appealing at first but can leave you feeling embarrassed or even worse, unwilling to call your dog when out in public.

Sometimes, waiting a few days after getting your new dog before choosing your unique name can make the process much easier. The reason for this, is that you may pick up on little characteristics of your new dog that will give you some inspiration. If your new puppy loves to steal things and hide them in their bed, how about 'Sinbad'? Maybe your new dog is a brave little soul and has the strength and character of a lion, maybe 'Leo' would suit your new dog.

Another great source of unique dog names, is from books and television. Do you have a favourite cartoon character or a favourite childhood hero? There are literally hundreds of possibilities.

Choosing a unique dog name can be a lot of fun and will endow your dog with a new identity within your family. Take a little time and do a bit of research and you will soon find the perfect name for your new pet.

Article By Andrew Strachan. Find lots more information about dogs names and different types of dogs at http://www.types-of-dogs.com Lots of help and advice too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Strachan

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Free Dog Training Tips By Julie Lees

All of us with dogs at home know just how important dog training is. It is possible to train dogs of all ages, not only puppies and it not only saves mess and destruction in your house but results in a content dog too. I am the proud owner of a Border Terrier dog named Ruby. She is just over a year old and I bought her as a puppy.

A friend of mine already had two border terriers of her own and gave me lots of advice and information about their temperament, size, grooming and exercise before I decided this was the breed for me. It is important before you buy a dog to consider all of these things, especially their size as an adult and exercise requirements. It is obviously not a good idea to buy a large dog if you live in a small house or one that requires a lot of exercise if you do not have the time to take it out every day.

The first few weeks were a bit hectic. I seemed to be constantly running around following this puppy and teaching her all the basic things she needed to know. What is important with all dogs is that constant praise is essential. No matter what you are teaching your dog to do, lavish praise on them every time they get it right. Your dog will very quickly appreciate this and want to please you all the more.

The same goes for reprimanding them when they do bad things. By this I mean using a stern voice which will be recognised instantly when they understand you are not happy. I never hit my dog when she gets it wrong as this is very confusing for her and can result in aggression. If you have a dog that you find does not respond to well to walking on a lead then I would highly recommend buying a harness instead. There are many available in pet shops and once you have mastered the art of fitting and adjusting it they can be put on very quickly. My dog can be very excitable at the prospect of walkies but I have found that she responds much better when walking with a harness.

These are only a few tips on getting started with your puppy training or dog training. I would strongly recommend that you read as much as you can about training your dog, but please remember it is up to you to devote the time and patience to your pet to get any results. Always make sure training is a pleasurable experience and in a safe environment.

My dog is not perfect like a show dog, but she is now obedient and great fun to have around. I hope you have found these tips on dog training useful as a starting point. If you are interested in finding out how to train your dog, and watch a free lesson online you can find more by visiting here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_Lees

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dogs, Still a Man's Best Friend - Justin Vander Ploeg

People have owned dogs as pets for thousands of years. Ever since then dogs have had a behavior problem. You know what I'm talking about; dogs do many things that we do not want them to do such as, barking in the middle of the night, peeing on the carpet, digging holes in the ground, and even biting your guests. Now, many people have tried to figure out ways to teach dogs how to act. But lately there have been many books written on how to solve your dog's behavior problem. These books have a price but in my opinion they are worth it. It is such a blessing to have your dog act the way you want him to and even have him perform a few tricks to impress your friends. Dogs are like people in some ways: they like to be loved, they want to feel needed, and they like to play.

Dogs are used for many purposes such as, hunting food for their owner as they do in the books Sounder and Where the Red Fern Grows. But dogs are also used just as household pets like in books such as Shiloh. Dogs are one of the best companions you could ever have. They will stand by you to the end and will protect you from enemies. Dogs are used all over the world; they are used in wars, by the police, and as I have said just as your household pet. They have been used in times past as the tool for bounty hunters, as one of the key providers for a frontier family, and as always your lovable household pet.

The number one place that people get there dogs at is the pet store. Thousands of dogs are sold there each year. The advantage of buying your dog at the pet store is that you will be able to choose which breed you want or you can get a specific mix of breeds.

People name their dogs many things and they have been doing so for thousands of years. People have used interesting names for their dogs that may sound weird but these names usually have wonderful meanings behind them. Dogs have been named everything from Fluffy to Thor.

About The Author:

Justin Vander Ploeg provides you with pet care products at http://www.solutionsbyjustin.com/
This article is free for republishing
Source: http://www.articlealley.com

Saturday, February 03, 2007

What type of Dog Food is best for your Pet?- A. M. Wilmot

The first problem that new pet owners face is generally the
issue of food. What should we buy and what should we stay away
from? Introducing a young dog to the world of food should be a
very delicate process. Owners should carefully monitor how much
food is given to the new pet versus how much they are eating.
We should be stringent about how quickly we increase the amount
of food because we always run the risk of overfeeding.

Renowned holistic veternarian Dr. Jane Bicks claims that the
maximum life span of dogs is estimated to be between 25 to 30
years, And yet the average dog usually lives no longer than 13
to 14 years.

Dr. Jane claims that this difference is caused mostly from
substandard nourishment.

For example, canned food is about 75 to 78 percent moisture,
which leaves very little room for nutrition.

In addition to containing what is generally considered the
bottom of the barrel ingredients in terms of nutritional
density, most conventional dog food products contain especially
large amounts of sodium to make them palatable, as well as
dairy, by-products, chemical preservatives, artificial colors
and other potentially harmful ingredients. The carbohydrate
ratio is too high in some dog food brands as well, eventually
leading to obesity, which is increasingly becoming a serious
problem with dogs.

In fact, obesity is one of the greatest health concerns facing
our dogs; it can cause unnecessary suffering and a shortened

Renowned research scientist Dr. Barry Sears believes that dog
food should have about the same 30-30-40 ratio as the human Zone
diet. This means a relatively small amount of carbohydrates. Not
only do many dog food brands have a particulary large amount of
carbohydrates, they are mostly grain based, which are exactly
the ones the Zone diet tries to minimize.

Another problem, according to the USDA Agricultural service, is
that mites often get into dog food pellets, which can cause a
number of problems such as disease. They recommend keeping dog
food cool and dry, and vacuuming in the places where the food is
stored the food is stored a least once a week. In addition keep
the are around the dish where the dog food is served clean.

Also, do not leave any dog food in your pet's bowl on warm,
humid days.

It should be noted that harder working dogs require more protein
and fat in their diet to maintain stamina and good body form. A
dog food that is complete and balanced and includes at least 26
percent protein and 1650 kilocalories of metabolizable energy
per pound is ideal. During the seasons when dogs are not working,
their energy requirements decrease. Feed less of the high calorie
food or change to a less nutrient-dense dog food.

Dr. Jane Bicks has been honored on many occasions by the
veternary profession and is the author of several books
inlcluding 'Thirty days to a healthier, happier dog' and
'Dr. Jane's Natural guide to a healthier, happier dog'. She
has been involved in many advisory boards including Canine
Companions for independence and has served as the President
of the Veterinary Medical association of New York City.

To find out more about her holistic food and other dog food
nutrition facts, go to http://www.dog-food-nutrition.com/

A. M. Wilmot is an author and researcher in the fields of
human and pet health.
For more info. go to http://www.dog-food-nutrition.com/
To join the free Healthy Pets Newsletter send an e-mail
to mailto:webmaster@aaronsfreebies.com with 'Pets' in
the subject line.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Little Bit About The Chihuahua by Connie Limon

The Chihuahua is know by no other name and has been popular north and south of the Rio Grande for many years. It is the oldest purebred canine native to the North American continent.

The Chihuahua’s origin is filled with tales and extends back to the Toltec civilization of Mexico in the ninth century. Discovery of the earliest Chihuahuas were in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Ancestors of the Chihuahua could include a small hairless Chinese dog, which could account for the size reduction of the original Chihuahua. The ancient people in Mexico first developed a prairie dog or gopher, which was mute, longhaired and larger than the present-day Chihuahua.

Tales are many about the uses of this tiny dog in Toltec and later Aztec religious rites. Nearly all Chihuahua fanciers accept one fact: This is that the modern Chihuahua that was discovered in Chihuahua, Mexico, in the mid-1800s stands apart from all other canines. This tiny breed prefers its own kind to all other dogs. The Chihuahua can be sociable with other dogs, but most definitely still is more content when surrounded by other Chihuahuas. Because of this fact it probably is not a good idea to own other pets if you desire to own a Chihuahua. Your household will be better of with multiple Chihuahuas if that is your chosen breed.

The Chihuahua has no claims of ties to royalty and any hunting abilities or heritage. The Chihuahua is known primarily as a wonderful little social able human companion and that is the main purpose of the Chihuahua today and in time past. The Chihuahua is quite content to have no work assigned to it. He fits nicely even in the smallest spaces and is content to spend his days lying in the sun or being pampered by its humans. The Chihuahua makes a perfect pocket pal and can travel with you just about anywhere almost invisible to strangers. The Chihuahua is not a big eater; therefore, food expense for the Chihuahua is quite minimal. He actually requires no kind of special care beyond a warm place to sleep and his treasured humans.

Chihuahua is usually most comfortable with senior adults and other adult families. They do not fit well into homes with preschoolers, toddlers or young adolescents. Preschoolers may try to grab at the Chihuahua, toddlers are likely to step on it or fall over it and young adolescents in their busy rush of a day may injure it.


The Chihuahua will usually claim ownership of one family member with whom it bonds tightly. He is brave, loyal, affectionate and intelligent that can be highly sensitive and stubborn. He does not do well walking on a leash and being taken for long walks. It is just easier to pick up the Chihuahua and carry him on your walk rather than have him in a collar and on a leash. They are mostly house companions and adornments. Some are able to learn tricks and may even enjoy performing for guests.


The Chihuahua has no height standard but usually stands about 5 inches tall and weighs no more than 6 pounds. Its skull is described as an apple dome shape, with or without a spot spot. Its muzzle is short and pointed. The Chihuahua is shown in smooth- and longhaired varieties. The smooth variety’s coat should be soft, glossy and close. The longhaired variety coat has a soft texture withor without waves or curls, its ears are edged with fringes, and its tail, feet, legs and neck are well feathered. Colors are any color or combination of colrs, solid, marked, or splashed.


You will need a cushioned bristle brush and a medium-toothed comb for both the smooth coat and long haired varieties. The long haired Chihuahua is easy to maintain with weekly brushing. The short haired coat also benefits from weekly brushings. You can use a chamois cloth to bring the coat up to a shine in the short haired Chihuhua.

About The Author
Connie Limon. Visit us at http://www.abouttoydogs.com and sign up for our newsletters. About Toy Dogs is a guide to the selection and care of toy dog breeds. We feature articles, dog training resources, dog books, dog supplies and a toy dog breed directory. Purchase a full page ad with up to 3 pictures, a 12 picture video and advertising in our newsletters for one year at the rate of $25 per year.

Five Tips for Finding Furniture for Your Dog by Links

Finding furniture for your dog is a lot like buying furniture for yourself. You look for the style you want, the price, the color, the durability of the material, how easy it is to care for, the quality, how well it fits in with the rest of your home décor and how much you'll have to spend. These are all the same elements you should look for in dog furniture as well, and here are five tips to help you determine which dog furniture to buy, what kind of furniture is right for your dog and which furniture fits into your home.

First off, one of the most important aspects of dog furniture is its durability. This is especially crucial, as how durable your dogs furniture is depends on how long it will last. Scratching paws, fur, dirt, nibbles, and drool-your dog's furniture has to be able to withstand all this and more. Solutions to the durability problem include looking for industrial, high grade canvas and removable canvas covers, anti odor properties and other similar durability-improving elements. Also look for stain resistance, antibacterial and machine washable materials, as anything else can become a hassle.

Second, look at materials carefully. The material you use can effect more than just its lifetime, it can actually affect your dogs comfort. While dogs are hardy creatures, even they are subject to the same aches and pains that assail their humans. Joint problems, aching backs, soreness and stiffness are al qualities that can affect the way your dog functions, especially older dogs. For this reason, it's imperative that your dog's bed is orthopedically friendly. This means material that is soft and moldable with high memory virgin upholstery fiber fill or other similar filling is essential.

Size is the third factor to consider when thinking about buying dog furniture. Make sure you buy furniture that is the correct size and width of your dog. This means that whether you're buying furniture from a pet store or online, you need to measure your dog and makes sure it fits. A doggy sofa and bed, for example, are only comfy for your dog if they fit. This means being able to stretch out and wriggle around without sliding off of the furniture in question.

The fourth thing to think about is price. You want to pay enough that you get good quality, but you don't want to pay too much for lesser quality. The solution to this is to look at guarantees related to the furniture, materials, and all the other qualities mentioned above.

Last but not least, you want to look at style. Ideally, you want to find a style of furniture that can fit into the décor of your home; luckily, most materials come in a variety of colors and there is furniture in many styles; your best bet if you're unsure is to buy a neutral or primary color, like beige or navy blue, as these fit in nicely with most home décor styles, even the most eclectic.

Find designer dog designer and dog bedding in decorative styles and fabrics with furniture grade memory foam pillows at wholesale direct prices at http://www.mammothoutlet.com/

About the Author

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